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Everything posted by amy0807

  1. Life, Love & Laughter http://www.amazon.com/Life-Love-Laughter-ebook/dp/B007BH0FKU/ The Glass Case: A Short Story http://www.amazon.com/The-Glass-Case-Short-ebook/dp/B00603TWUU/ Divorced, Desperate and Delicious http://www.amazon.com/Divorced-Desperate-Delicious-ebook/dp/B0050KTQ0K/ All Jacked Up http://www.amazon.com/All-Jacked-Up-Series-ebook/dp/B0060M6VY6/ Schism: A Psychological Thriller http://www.amazon.com/Schism-A-Psychological-Thriller-ebook/dp/B0061VYT8G/ The Shelter - A Short Story http://www.amazon.com/The-Shelter-Short-Story-ebook/dp/B006QYH9SU/
  2. Fun & Free in Saint Louis (Travel Guide) http://www.amazon.com/Fun-Free-Saint-Louis-ebook/dp/B006SN7YPW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1329844628&sr=1-1
  3. If you think the price of those are bad, take a look at these: http://www.zappos.com/search/brand/767/filter/brandNameFacet/%22Roberto+Cavalli%22/ I nearly fainted. Good find. Might have to pick up a pair just for bragging rights. lol
  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been looking all over for a size 14 band for dh.
  5. They were only on sale until 12/5. That's why they are higher today.
  6. For anyone interested, the Pink code is VSPINKBAG. Get a free tote with any Pink purchase. (exp 11/18).
  7. That is the one I am waiting for too.
  8. When my children were really little, we stayed overnight with my inlaws and they stayed with their grandfather while my husband, MIL and I shopped. Now, I make out my list and my DD 14 and DH do all the shopping. I find the deal and they go get them and the little ones stay home with me. No way I would have ever taken my kids out in the cold.
  9. It might have been them then. Surely they will have it here before Christmas. *Fingers crossed*
  10. Om. It wasn't them then. I'll be snatching up two then. Thanks OP and cashandra!
  11. I know I ordered something from Buy.com before and, if I remember correctly, it took forever to arrive. Am I thinking of the right company? Anyone else bought anything from them? This is the cheapest I have seen the steering wheels and I'd like to order two but I can't remember if they are the slow shippers.
  12. http://www.eyeslipsface.com/dynamicImages/290_deptImg.jpg Super Glossy Lip Shine Best Friend Charm Bracelet $4 This would be a good stocking stuffer for tweens and teens. Link
  13. I'm cheap, too. I would love a set for my sidewalk and a set to use in front of my camper when we go camping but shipping kills the deal for me when I know they probably won't last long.
  14. I got the Children's Zyrtec Bzz kit today. It has a full size box of ten pre-measured spoons and a bunch of coupons for $3 off.
  15. It was an issue with Firefox, oddly enough. I have it fixed now.
  16. For the past couple of days, the forum images are all messed up and the pages are pushed around by images that are out of place. Is it just me or is anyone else seeing this?
  17. OMG! I hadn't been to Value City in a while because the nearest one is an hour and a half away but I was thinking about making the trip to do some shopping. Guess I can save myself the trip now.
  18. I'll take a look at both places. Thanks!
  19. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I had been looking for one of these for a Christmas present and that's a great deal. They were out of stock for delivery, but the store nearest me had 1 left and I was able to snatch it up. So, to anyone else interested, they are out of stock for delivery, but you may be able to pick one up so be sure to check. Again, thanks OP!
  20. My best friend got a Wizard of Oz ornament from her co-workers last year and it had everyone on it but the Tin Man so she wants a Tin Man ornament. I have found some of the miniatures pretty cheap but they are only 1 - 1 1/2" tall. If you run across any of the Hallmark Wizard of Oz ornaments at a good price, please let me know. Thanks!
  21. I have only been out once on Black Friday and I absolutely froze to death. I always make the list and dh and dd go. She passes the time while she waits playing in the toy section...and she is 14!
  22. My kids had something very similar when they were little and the tunnel does come out sometimes, BUT they would take the tunnel out and play with it by itself so it was worth it all in all. There are flaps so you can close the openings so they played with the pieces separately.
  23. I have Verizon so I passed but wanted to give everyone a head's up. Even if they are free to send during the campaign, you will be charged for data usage on your cell phone when you download the application and when you send a greeting unless you have a data package already.
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