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  1. I find new balance to be really good especially for people with high arches (like me).
  2. Went to target today. Didn't find much on clearance the bodgea stuff was not clearanced at all did get some Valentine's candy on clearance but kinda disappointed with my target trip today.
  3. The only thing left at my target were 2 double strollers.
  4. My girls were both just over 6lbs at birth. I doubt this baby will be much bigger. I just got 2 boxes of newborn and only opened 1 box just in case. Too me it seemed like they wore newborn and 1's forever but I can't remember because my "baby" (for a few more weeks till this one gets here) is 7.
  5. My diaper deal didn't quite work. First no boxes big enough in the size I needed to get the 15 gc... I needed newborn or size 1. So I couldn't do the deal like it was posted. I did get 2 boxes of the newborn... $20 each and was able to use one of the $5 off coupons and two $2 off coupons. I had two $1 off but after 3 coupons the register said too many coupons. Is this normal? All in all I was happy to save $9 on something I needed anyway. But wish they had the bigger boxes.
  6. Don't know how to reply with quote from my iPhone but here the carseat/stroller combos sold out at 30%. I missed out on mine by waiting for 50%. But you win some you lose some lol I still love Target clearance!
  7. Nope I am in South Louisiana but thanks for the tip.
  8. Thanks for the replies! I will check it out!
  9. I knew I should have brought the travel system yesterday at 30%. Just called both my local targets (each had just one system left) and they are both sold out should i trust them since I called and gave them the dcpi #?
  10. Went to check out the baby stuff. Mostly 50% on the small stuff and 30% on the big stuff. I got the Fisher-Price Comfy Time Bouncer for 50% off. $19.98. I am stalking a car seat n stroller but it is still only 30% off. If I can get it at 50% I would be a very happy shopper! Any ideas when they will do 50% off the big stuff?
  11. So I went to northside target in Lafayette la and still 50% on toys(I could not believe it). One thing rang up 70%. Not much selection either. Some baby stuff at 50% but nothing I had to have. Now if some of the baby stuff would have been 70% I would have brought.
  12. When is the baby clearance normally?
  13. I heard of this but have no idea what it is. Anyone care to fill me in?
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