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Everything posted by Amgispso

  1. Question...can this be used with xbox 360? And what exactly do you do with it...play games with friends ...can someone explain it
  2. I ordered without the coupon...grrr. Thx tho
  3. Ordered mine online...29...plus 8 dol shipping...o well...great deal on the toy.
  4. wanted these! but not shoprunner eligible
  5. been waiting for this thank you!
  6. remember the next four days restaurant.com has their 25dol certificates for 1dol. Promo code JOY So some of these...I'm not sure you are really making out
  7. got two thanks! used kohls cash, so paid 9 bucs a pair..but that is still good deal.
  8. got one thx...i wonder if this will fit all kindles?
  9. Got one thanks!! WOnder what age this would be best for/.?
  10. Thanks just got Carnival game and free shipping!:)
  11. Thanks I got this! I didn't really need it, but great prices draw me near!
  12. went to cvs got 2 $50 sears gift cards submitted rebate and used my moms name and address to get the 2nd one. Great for fathers day thanks
  13. ok stupid ques but can you use these in a microwave or do you need the brewer
  14. ty bought swimsuit on clearance ok ques...so it says "We regret that we cannot divulge cards value; it will be revealed at checkout" if I shopped online and put alot of things in my cart hoping for a high reward card..before it charged all those things to my credit card..would I know the value of the rewards card?
  15. i used code 3xs..3 seperate
  16. no i cant get it to work...install takes forever and then it acts like you didnt install it
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