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  1. Brad, apparently I am just shy of that amount. Funny I haven't had a problem using free shipping until now.
  2. Anyone else having problems with the Free Shipping. I know Kohl's in the past has had issues with big sales, this isn't boding well for them.
  3. 2 Big orders, no problems for the first time ever with Kohls.com! Only a couple of things out of stock. Racked up $75 in Kohls cash!
  4. Best price I've seen on the Playstation Plus Membership card and get it before the rush, yay!
  5. I have a FoodSaver also and use it a lot during hunting season. There are some specials going on on the Food Saver site.
  6. Patiently waiting...well not really come on ad
  7. They delivered when I wasn't home. Just a hassle to return to store to get instant credit back on card ( I live over an hour away from nearest store). I wonder if others had the same problem.
  8. Received my cyber Monday today x 2. They apparently processed the order that was hung up. I never received confirmation on that order. Glad to get the order not so glad to have to do return.
  9. For those interested, the canon camera price just changed. Only black is available.
  10. Does Lowe's price match?
  11. I'm interested in reviews also. Looks like a good idea...now if they really work.
  12. msvagardener

    Now what?

    Lots of clothes ordered from Kohls about $500 . They rocked this year, great sales, great coupons & cash back in addition to quick delivery. Shoes & clothes ordered from Target! Good delivery, great prices, FREE Shipping, so sorry Walmart! One order for various things with BF price from Walmart. If it hadn't equaled $50 to get free shipping wouldn't have happened. Amazon got the toy orders. I loved the very early BF pricing online!
  13. I loved the early online Black Friday availability. Didn't go out until mid morning Friday to stores. Every sales person we came in contact with were extremely calm, friendly & helpful. Very pleasant experience.
  14. Thanks Brad! Again a wonderful job by Gottadeal and all the volunteers! :gdclap: :gdclap:
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