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  1. Could happen, but shopping on duty is a BIG no-no. One guy got a 40 hour suspension last season for doing that!!
  2. Hmmm, very interesting. That may actually work well for me. I have NEVER bought anything from AMAZON. They dont charge tax? Is this safe (no scams, etc)?
  3. yup..in Miami. Got home around 1am...and have to be back at 9am. Also have to work Friday in the AM as well
  4. Does anyone know any other place I can get an IPod Touch online with a gift card as well? Im gettin sleeeeeppppy. Good news everyone...Im gonna too tired to write any tickets tomorrow! hahaha
  5. Anyone deal with this same kinda issue last year? Im exhausted and have to be back at work back at 9am! its gonna be a LONGGGG day
  6. I agree, plus I rather have the $50 gift card to the store instead of being relegated to using Itunes exclusively. My second option is hitting Toys R Us tomorrow night (they open at midnight) cause they are also offering the same price with a $50 gift certificate as well!
  7. Anyone else waiting for the 8GB APPLE TOUCH? Im still getting the COMING SOON sign
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