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Everything posted by jaysolomon

  1. got one for 195 and 50 gc at walmart yesterday
  2. will be more than that by the time ya pay shipping
  3. tyhg walmart is having the same ipod for 195 and 50 itunes card. 5 bucks less ha
  4. thinking it sux they dnt offer free shipping over x amounnt of $$$
  5. how can ya get free shipping
  6. i feel the one that said 3 am will be correct. they gonna give the west coast time to catch up
  7. ummmm think their site has crashed i get psge not found
  8. anyone noticedon the 499 desktop there is actially 2 of them, meaning 2 different SKU numbers? SKU: 9999120500050065 and SKU: 9999120500050064
  9. guess the 8gb ipod touch is sold out too
  10. coming soon 499 package
  11. i cannot see the one i want except for in the ad on there site but cannot click on it
  12. oh ok i am after the hp desktop deal for 499.
  13. hrey are u saying bb deals have started?
  14. blackfriday.gottadeal.com/OnlineSales#2 It says its best to choose shiing instead of store p/u.
  15. Wal Mart will be offering a 50 gc on the iPod touch 8gb
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