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Everything posted by hreyhrey

  1. just saying dont compain if there sold out online I stayed up from 1am till 6 to get this!
  2. THANK GODD OMG i went to bed at 5 and set my alarm at 6 bc someoen before said it was coming at 6eastern THANK U
  3. guys its just rediculous staying at the page refreshing. At this point ( 4am) there is NO WAY IN HELL the product you want will sell out. Instead just find some videos to watch like I am and check up every 20-30min
  4. Forward men, never give up!! To the east!!!
  5. ru a cop?
  6. lol i kno ur not im just saying it would be a funny trick tat apparently would work
  7. waht if danniioc is lieing to get everoen to leave LMAO that woudl be hillarious
  8. For every person that quits tonight thats on less competitor :) SO DONT QUIT
  9. www.mininova.com ^^^ every movie ever released
  10. i need to use the bathroom BADLY but im scared to get up! *looks aroudn for a empty bottle* and im starving
  11. OMGG just update I was so happy when the HP laptops updated bc I thought the others should be up soon
  12. the toshiba somehow got 1 customer review LMAO without it even being available
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q-6H4xOUrs That should wake you up as it did an entire country
  14. Just keep refreshing! Sometimes when I hit refresh it lags down a LOT and the site barely loads up AT THAT TIME just hit refresh 1-2 more times and it will be back to normal
  15. mssharpsteen Littlebigplanet and Ratchet and Clank are 2 of the best PS3 games available. DO NOT go w/ the walmart deal you will have so much more fun with LBP and ratchet PLUS the reveiws for those 2 are through the roof!
  16. if you get page was not found jus tkeep refreshing dont exit out or anything just keep refreshing f5 is a shortcut btw to refresh page
  17. yea but bloo think about the hordes of people that go with walmart In fact bestbuy usually has the longest lines and not even close ot teh best deals its just this online special is amazing
  18. tentips thats exactly what im waiting for I was going with teh sony but relized the obvious between them lol
  19. arci sleep is for the weak!
  20. crazy shoper its nearly 3am where i am lol
  21. back up guys it was just a random drop Maybe good signs that there changing it??
  22. OMG plz help is that Toshiba Satellite laptop for 399 going to be up tonight like the sony vaio one??? I need this answered fast plz bc incase the sony one goes up and the toshiba one doenst
  23. im so dumb christina I should have made a macro so I can go to sleep now lol but im staying up as late as possible bc its either buy it now or camp out at microcenter all night
  24. I was thinking of making a macro but relized its better to just do it manually
  25. truthfully I dont see how I CANT get the laptop as long as im there within a 5 minute timespan
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