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  1. Thanks! I got the Six by Suess and the Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook. My youngest loves Dr Suess! Contemplating going back for more...lol
  2. Thank you! I got the hooded leather coat for $85.98 shipped :) Very excited!
  3. It took 20% off of the slicers for me, but not the pumkin pie server set. Still a good deal, though!
  4. Thanks! Got 2 pair plus 2 shirts that were $2.99
  5. http://www3.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=18f10e1&Nao=0&hdnOnGo=true&Ne=840+4+877+878+5+961+6+29+3+598+11+15+12+506+10+23+585+596+1031+8+18+904+903+969+949+833&Ntt=total+girl+lounge+pants&SearchString=total+girl+lounge+pants&N=4294959029&SO=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=searchresults Add 2 at $5.09ea to your cart, then use coupon code GO4TEN to make the total $0.18! Shipping is 5.95, but still a great deal for 2 pair of lounge pants! http://zoom.jcpenney.com/is/image/0900631b818bcdb0M.tif?wid=180&hei=180&op_usm=1.5,.8,0,0&resmode=sharp
  6. Thank you! I just oredered a bunch :) Also use code REWARD10 at checkout to get a secret reward valued at $10 to $500 :)
  7. I just started the Spacesaver 6 Elite about 2 weeks ago and I love it...I can't wait for my baby herbs to get bigger! If you go to http://www.aerogardenstore.com/promotion/index.php?promoName=catalog&pageName=compare_gardens&r=1 the prices are the same as Amazon, free shipping, but you can get 10% off using code agthanks10 and then 10% cash back if you access the site through Bing Cashback. They also have a $10 or $20 off if you buy more than one.
  8. These are on Wednesday Deals for 5.59 after code urbuds2 http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?ItemTyp=G&itemID=183a7d5&GrpTyp=PRD&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=dorm+life+throw&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&s4PageSize=15&CmCatId=searchresults&Search1Prod=True
  9. Thank you! My husband has been wanting a 32 inch for our room! :)
  10. You can still order it through Amazon for $11.00, but it's out of stock and will ship when it's back in stock..I wonder how long that would be?
  11. Sorry, this deal is dead...the email states that they only let 1000 people use it
  12. Remote Controller Steering Wheel for Nintendo Wii White http://www.meritline.com/showproduct.aspx?ProductID=33281&SEName=1-pack-wii-steering-wheel-039 Coupon code MLCK267039012780NL1 75 cents after code plus free shipping!!!!
  13. EarPro fleece ear warmers List Price: $19.99 Price: $1.05 You Save: $18.94 (95%) Shipping:$2.30 you pay:$3.35 http://www.amazon.com/EarPro-Fleece-Warmers-Very-Black/dp/B0010KXA4W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qlEnable=1&qid=1264266631&sr=1-1
  14. Weird...I'm sorry...I have no idea why it's not working for some of you
  15. The code has to be entered in the cart before you hit the checkout button. You have to click the view cart button, then enter the code, then click update cart and it should work.
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