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  1. They will let you use Kohl's Cash?? I thought it expired the day before?
  2. So annoyed. I need Halo 4 for xbox and it should be $59.99 with a $20gc. Well, you add it to your cart and the subtotal comes up to be $79.99!! They are adding the $20 to the price. ARGH. I really don't want to go to the store tonight and fight crowds in electronics.
  3. And it was a wild goose chase in MD - not on sale in stores here.
  4. I hope this is true at my Target because I have my dad going out on a wild goose chase this morning (I run a daycare and can't get out). Fingers crossed!!!! I'll know in about an hour.
  5. Mine got locked up on the checking deal status as well. I don't think you (we) have made it onto the waitlist. :-( Very disappointing, that was a great deal. ETA - Apparently I quoted the wrong post. Sorry. To the person that was "checking deal status" - I think we are out of luck. I keep checking though just in case....
  6. I searched for info from last year and basically just found that sometimes they offer free shipping. Does anyone know any more information? My 8 year old is HUGE into Am girl this year and I'm going to break the bank after looking at the prices. Is there anywhere I can get coupons or is free shipping certain or any insider tips?? Thanks!!
  7. I don't like that if you buy something they need the original UPC code...meaning that if it's a gift, it's not returnable. Not good IMO.
  8. So I'm interested in the Black Crock Pot for 9.44 and the black and decker blender for 9.44 Both are showing on line but not available for sale online. But they are both "in stock" at my local store. So does that mean if I go there tonight I'll get the 9.44 price???
  9. http://www.amazon.com/Play-doh-Dr-Drill-and-Fill/dp/B0050D1V6E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321878036&sr=8-1 Dr Drill and Fill List Price: $18.99 Price: $12.88 Eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime. You Save: $6.11 (32%) In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41gtNBmgJrL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  10. Thank you!!! Great price!!!
  11. Target was 39.99 and has a $5 off coupon.
  12. Kmart, Kmart, Kmart!!! Come out come out wherever you are!!!!
  13. I'm waiting patiently....sort of... Any chance it will come out today???
  14. http://walmartstores.com/pressroom/news/10732.aspx Doesn't include BF sales, but it may be beneficial for someone out there.
  15. Thank You!!!!!!!!
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