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About StickyKeys

  • Birthday 04/09/1981
  1. Just wanted to pop in and say how invaluable those charts were. Seriously well done, easy to use and extremely informative. Thank you for all the hard work you put into them!
  2. Can someone let me know if the TV will be available as a doorbuster, or was that an online only deal. Uggh, I hate the thought of standing in line but I wants that TV!
  3. I wonder if any of the Cyber Monday deals will compare to the 24" tv deal? At first I was ready to accept that I would be paying at least $200, now I'm spoiled!
  4. I am so jealous! I literally went to the bathroom and had to do some work. I want that tv!
  5. Well something happened, my tv is now sold out online. Sigh...
  6. Everytime I refresh I feel like it's going to actually say it's available and I'll just be like "whatevs, refresh" and totally miss it.
  7. AMAZON PRICE MATCHING: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=help_search_1-2?ie=UTF8&nodeId=200726210&qid=1322125550&sr=1-2 We're working hard to make sure our prices are the best around. If you find a lower price on another qualifying website within 14 days after the date we ship your order, let us know and we'll credit your original payment method taking any differences in shipping and promotions into account. If we lower our own price within 14 days after we ship your TV, let us know and we'll refund you the difference as well. You can request a refund for the price difference through the "Found a lower price?" button on your Order Summary page in Your Account. If you have questions or concerns, use the "Contact Us" button on the right side of any Help page to contact Customer Service about the TV Low Price Guarantee. This TV is literally the only thing I wanted. I hope it goes on sale.
  8. The Amazon link for the Dynex TV is here. How does price matching work with Amazon? http://www.amazon.com/Dynex-DX-24E150A11-24-inch-1080p-HDTV/dp/B004H1NVYU/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1322125031&sr=1-1 Also, they have an LG Blu Ray player for $59 and BB has a Dynex Blu Ray for $59. I think the $20 is worth it to not have the hassle of the lines.
  9. I am seriously confuddled. I thought the online deals started Thursday at midnight (basically Friday morning)? And I'm still trying to figure out what will be available online and what won't? The Dynex is in my wishlist but it says coming soon as though it were online. And the Toshiba blu-ray seems to only be in stores? God I hate they made it at midnight, I don't want to have to go there at 9pm or 10pm to stand in line. I am totally lazy this year.
  10. SOOOOOO angry! I can't believe I completely missed every single DVD deal I had. I new I wanted to be home to do something and completely spaced and went to WalMart instead! Oh Amazon.
  11. Do you think the red Wii bundle already sold out? That seems impossible.
  12. Does anyone know how to get the calendars for other categories like electronics, books, and games? I found music and movies but that's it. I'm excited for tomorrow but I'm trying to comparison shop and it's driving me crazy. Anyhow, I'm really excited for the DVD's tomorrow morning. Talledega Nights, LOST!!!!, and Spartacus! It will definitely make up for me missing the Bourne Trilogy!
  13. Quick question, how does the price matching work on Amazon? Are the prices actually adjusted or are we looking at a refund/store credit scenario? Thank you!
  14. Can't wait to get the LOST series!
  15. Fabulous! Thanks all, and thanks for that tip Great Dane Mom!
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