I just fell in love with them the second I saw them! I knew my 2 girls would react the same way and I was right! I was in Walgreens with my 9yr old and spotted the pigs on the top shelf and took one down to show her. I acted like I had never seen them before. My daughter thought they were the cutiest thing ever!! She loved the fact that they talk and fall asleep. My gilrs are very into dolls and animals and I just know that they will love feeding and caring for them. Just wait until they find out there are clothes and carriers for them!!!
I started a couple of weeks ago. I was on the hunt for a couple of the items that are supposed to be hot this year with the kids. I got my hands on a few LaLaLoopsy dolls and a few teacup piggys! They were hard to find!!! I also found the Fin Fin Fish my DD wanted. So I was happy!! At least I got a couple of the hard to find items out of the way. If anyone needs a Loopsy doll or a tea cup piggy a have extras!!!:)
We normally decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving. But for some reason my DH and I are overly excited about Christmas this year and have decided to put the tree up November 13th!!! Can't wait! We have been watching Christmas movies for the past 2 months now! I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter that just LOVES "The Grinch" with Jim Carey! I thought he would have freaked her out but she loves him! "Elf" is also a huge hit with her too.