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Posts posted by waitress07419

  1. amickeyfan - that's how I ended up ordering 3...kept refreshing the page and clicking "add to cart". By the time I was able to get to "check out" I wasn't about to risk losing all. The only thing I am concerned about is that I did not enter the business name...I did receive the "Order Confirmation" number and note stating that it would be shipped on Monday but nothing has been directly sent to my email address. Have to just wait and see. My brother will burst if I'm able to get this for him.
  2. Best Buy has a forum where this was discussed thoroughly for months ... didn't change a thing with the company. Someone had suggested that it was too much trouble for the company to keep track of 250 pts - which in turn gave a $5 gift cert which needed to be used in a specified time frame. Now, if your silver (meaning you spent $2500 in a calendar year) your points roll over (you don't lose a thing). Well, there's the problem - not everyone can afford to spend that. It's not that Best Buy made a mistake with the forfeiture of points - they are giving "customer service" points to people who call express how upset they are. Now, I haven't had to call but this is the reason why some people are getting points returned to their accounts. For those who lost points, give a ring at 1-800-Best-Buy - maybe you will be able to recoop what you lost.
  3. I would recommend that you purchase a case (for they tend to scratch easily), an arm band if the person will be using it at the gym or jogging but most importantly - as many itunes gift cards you could possibly afford. I gave my son $300 and it was gone in no time ... I know it sounds like alot but it's really amazing how quickly it goes-lol (talking for myself-lol). Great gift idea!
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