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Posts posted by ithacajackets

  1. The Target netbook sounds perfect for her! The thing is, you likely will have a hard time finding one--they're out of stock all over the place.


    I'm going to our new super Walmart today to see if they carry the same model and, if so, try to get a price match. Otherwise, they have the same netbook at both Office Max (for $50 less) and Sam's Club ($197) on Black Friday.


    Good luck to you! :D

    Thanks so much for your response! :D

  2. I hate to beat a dead horse. I have read through this entire thread, are there and final thoughts on the Acer netbook that Target has for sale this week for $199. It appears to be the same one Office Max has for $50 less on BF.

    It would be for my 12 year old daughter. Facebook/email/surfing web. Simple things like that. She doesn't do any kind of hard core games.

    I talked to the man in Target last night and he thought it would completely meet her needs.

    Anyone point me in a direction one way or another?

    Thanks in advance :)

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