This year is the earliest I've gotten started!
Mapped out action plan route last night. Out the door a little after 6 a.m. Went to Target to get a couple sale electronics. NO lines. Not a big crowd there. On to Kohl's.'s the crowds! Found some baby Fisher Price toys (big ones) for 50% off. Grabbed a sale shirt to make it $50 so I could get the $10 gift card. They were out of of their poker tabletops (surprise, surprise). Long lines, but they had order to them and folks were nice.
Walked over to K-Mart next door to get the poker tabletop for same price (& in stock). :)
Hubby & kids met up and we combined into one car to the mall.
Went to Carson Pirie Scott. Had TWO of the free $10 gift cards. Not letting those go bye bye (LOL). Had just gotten to the kiddie section when hubby calls from the car. One of the little ones needed to use the facilities. Rush back down two flights & pick up my new helper. False alarm lol. This is the store that the rude people seem to be at. Lots of rude/pushy people. This was around 9:30 - 10 a.m. Must be the crowd shopping at that time? Very long lines too. Going up the escalator, a girl pushed by us and almost knocked over my 4 yr old. We got what we wanted - great deals there! On the DOWN escalator, an older woman shoves past the little guy to walk down the escalator. What's with the rude people. Push me if you must, but not a small child - especially in a potentially dangerous situation!
On to Menards, where hubby went in (his first actual store today...i did most of the work, lol). Good deals there, but he said it was a madhouse.
We finished by 11:25 a.m. Would have done more, but my feet and back were killing me!