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  1. I wasn't gonna try that because they would just say it doesn't have a promo sticker on it or its the wrong version. Not worth the hassle during the chaos. Hopefully I can get them to resolve this online somehow. Doubtful but worth the try. I just think its really shady they advertise that and its very very low quantities as I saw and others are seeing. I know in the past the store I shop at claimed they don't control whats shipped to them.
  2. They had bunch of Madagascar 3 and almost 40ish of Hunger Games. I really think either customers got to them before they wrapped them or employees got to pick out stuff.
  3. I want to know if anyone else tried to get this movie at their store and how many copies they had. My local Wal*Mart in Northeast Ohio had 3 copies. I don't know why that was the number they had but its ridiculous. Did anyone else encounter similar quantities?
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