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  1. IPad air on sale now at Staples for $249.00
  2. This may be old news but At&t will allow $200.00 trade for iPhone 4s on the new 5s models. This makes the new 5s free with a 2 year contract..
  3. I talked with a Walmart manger today and he said "Walmart will not price match any price that includes a in store gift card".
  4. Looking for a good deal on the iPad Air? Any suggestions?
  5. Nexus 7 is hard to beat
  6. Being most stores changed their opening bf time to midnight, I plan to do most of my shopping on line. The crowd's at midnight are beyond crazy. Sure wish bf opening time was still 5am.....
  7. Refurbished Ipad2 on Apple site currently
  8. I Was lucky enough to get one of the $79.00 24" tv's from Best buy on black friday. So far, I am really impressed with the Tv. Did anyone else get the Tv and what do you think of it?
  9. I have the Acer Iconia (A500) and really like it. I checked out all of the higher end tablets and didnt see a huge differance with any of them.
  10. Really not sure what is going on with this add however it is showing the TV available but with no shipping options?? Let us know if you figure it out!!!! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dynex%26%23153%3B+-+24%26%2334%3B+Class+/+LCD+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+HDTV/2970158.p?id=1218367940239&skuId=2970158&st=dynex 24&cp=1&lp=1
  11. I went to a local Wal-Mart around 10 tonight and was planning to buy one or more of the lower price TV's. I have never seen such a mess in a store in my life. People everywhere and all TV's were already spoken for. They gave out tickets to people earlier in the evening even though the sale didn't start till midnight. I have always enjoyed black Friday shopping however tonight was pathetic. I think the difference is the sale start time at midnight. 5:am seemed to attract fewer people at least in my areas. I also think Wal-Mart had much less inventory going into this years sale...
  12. Think I will stick around till around 1am Eastern. Guess Thursday morning offically starts at 12:01;)
  13. Whats your thoughts on either the 42" or 24" BB TV being offered online?
  14. http://www.bigsandysuperstore.com/default.aspx Big Sandy Furniture store is having a 15 hour sale Sunday(11/20) and Monday(11/21) that offrs a 32" HDTV in store for $199.00. The add does not say what brand the TV is?
  15. I agree also. I actually bought the Toshiba($269.00)from BB last week. To me, this laptop is the best laptop deal being offered this season....
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