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Everything posted by Christina97

  1. I got in too for the sandwich thins!! :)
  2. I registered for the turkey bacon and the sandwich one. I had never heard of that site until I read about it here :) Thanks!
  3. My DS6 has to wear husky pants as well. I buy him pants from husky fashions. com. They are pretty pricey but they are the only ones that I find that fit him well and he actually has room to move in them. They are a bigger husky than what you would find in the normal clothing stores. Hope this helps!
  4. I ordered right after noon and it worked for me too all I paid was the $6.95 shipping. Maybe there was some sort of cut off time to use the coupon?
  5. For an item that was originally priced at $19 something I sure would assume that it was for 3 packages with each package containing 3 razors! Please keep us posted as to the outcome. Oh and I think your email is right on.
  6. the fun house itself is $20.00 at walmart. The thing is you can't buy that particular hamster without buying the fun house or starter set.
  7. DS 5 Loved his razor scooter and the race tracks we bought. He played with the Zhu zhu's for all of maybe 5 minutes! I have to admit I was disappointed with the performance of those. I am so glad that I did not pay ebay prices for them. I would be sooooo mad right now. DSD 10 loved her horse stuff we got her. Zhu zhu's were the same for her.
  8. Yeah, I think so too. I looked this morning and didn't see anything
  9. I got mine from Babies R us. Check there!
  10. I got myself 2 pair and a pair for DS. It ended up being somewhere in the 50's. I tried one coupon code from here and it increased my order to like $65! I used the other and it took $5.00 off the $50. something. I didn't know about the 20% off before ordering.
  11. I couldn't get it to work for me either.
  12. I would like to know too!
  13. I have loved mine! I think I will keep it for another year that way I can use it for Christmas next year! And perhaps a few birthdays in between :) If I don't use it before next Christmas, Christmas time will be worth it. I have saved so much since I started using this a few weeks ago!
  14. I am sooo there with you!!! I got in on the diji deal too. I bought one from Big Lots the other day but will be taking that one back! I love this site, very addicting though. I keep telling Dh that we are buying for Christmas, Birthdays and everything in between! lol lol The deals are just too good to pass by.
  15. I'm not sure, but I got the crayola glow dome from babies r us this morning and they honored the Target ad price difference of $11.00!! ETA - It is out of stock everywhere around here. Babies R Us the price was 29.99, Target ad was $18.00. I was really surprised to find it there.
  16. Do they send an email confirmation?
  17. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51FWhw1VawL._SL500_AA280_.jpg Giraffalaff Limbo Other products by Hasbro 3.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3 customer reviews) 3 Reviews 5 star: (2) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 star: (0) 1 star: (1) › See all 3 customer reviews... List Price: $32.99 Price: $9.90 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $23.09 (70%) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-4120-Giraffalaff-Limbo/dp/B001R6AUGA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1260395122&sr=8-1-catcorr
  18. The only thing I was able to get was the didj, they didn't have any games or the crammer. I did gt an awesome deal on hot wheels sets!
  19. I don't know what is going on? It shows 34.99 and so many claimed but when you put it in your cart the price goes up to $40 something... hhhhmmm
  20. click here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BWPWDU it's 34.99!
  21. I would have to say the store i am having the most problems with as far as shipping times is Toys R Us... Oh and I can't stand that mail innovations thing either!
  22. Oh this stuff smells so good!! I ordered a set for my mom for Christmas :)
  23. I am glad you posted this. I had never heard of it before but I looked it up and it is such a cute and neat idea for the kids! I went to barnes and noble this afternoon and bought the set for $23 and some change. I love the idea!!!!! ETA: There was a 25% off coupon that the girl behind the register had if you were using a MC.
  24. Cool, thanks epgpjp. I never knew what this was until I read this thread. I love the theory in it!
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