It does for me. I'm actually looking at the other one in the Dell BF ad. get a 4gb memory card off Amazon for $25. Seriously looking at this. I can as his grandmother to grab him a monitor for xmas too.
Like this one?
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for! I'll check out all the links. I honestly didn't even look at anything that wasn't Pentium/i3+ because I'm partial to them. I have an HP Pentium desktop that I bought on BF 2005 for $800 that still runs great! Granted that's the one I have upgraded the RAM twicw and replaced the fan twice but shes still kicken! We did think about building our own but I honestly don't know what to look for for components. My neighbor told me last night that our other neighbor is in IT and build his sons computer. I'm going to ask if he can help! Oh and he has a Chromebook from school for homework ect. But obviously he can't game on it. Lol
Games like Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Garys Mod, and some general indy games. And possibly older CODs to mod. Also would we be able to upgrade the graphics card later? I'm not a total techy but I've upgraded RAM and replaced a couple CPU fans. Lol
So my son really just wants a gaming computer. I've said no forever cuz they are so expensive. Would any of the $250-300 laptops or desktops on BF work for gaming? I tried Googling but I'm graphics cards dumb! I mean I know they aren't as good as a $1,600 gaming computer but would it "work" or should I not bother and just get him a PS4? Lol
I was just going to go get this. I guess it's the last gen model? Do you know the difference? Also did they let you use the Cartwheel too? Honestly I would just get a Kindle Fire.