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About Brooklyn

  • Birthday 09/21/1981
  1. I did the elf on the shelf concept but just picked up a small elf somewhere else. You can buy just the book on ebay usually. But I kind of made up my own where the elf gets into mischief and reports back to Santa as well. But my daughter is always so excited to see what kind of disaster the elf has caused. Last year the elf was swinging on the fan, opened all cabinet doors in the kitchen, dumped out a bag of m&m's hung her panties on the christmas tree and all kinds of stuff.
  2. On the black friday ad it says you can go online and get a layout of the store and where stuff will be.
  3. Does anyone know how to go online to print off the map of your store so you can see where the pallets will be? I tried and tried and couldn't find anything about it, are they not doing it until closer to time or am I just missing something?
  4. Made my day =)!
  5. Target, Toys R Us, Staples and Wal-Mart...COME ON ADS! I am so ready for ads to start coming!!!
  6. This is a good idea I just recieved my quarterly earning check in the mail and it was $161.00 plus my ink rewards I should be getting I will be loading up! I am glad you mentioned this!
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