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I'm heading in @ 11 or so...get my 12:01 goodies and check out shortly after. I'm not after any big electronic items though. Plan to grab an energy drink so food if necessary and move along to target for their 4 am doorbusters. Headed to kohls after that, then home depot, then jcp. If I have any $$ left after that, I'll head to micheals to get some scrap booking goodies for myself. So pumped for black Friday this year!
I try to get a couple hours....people would not want to be around me if I didn't get a little sleep...
Coloring Kits-- you can get 2-3 color books at any local dollar store, a box of crayons, a box of markers, a handful of stickers....put it all in a little sand bucket or gift bag. Toss in a matchbox car or candy bar, you can have a nice rounded gift for about $7...
70 people
I am forbidden to put any Christmas decorations out before BF. Once in the house from BF shopping and bags stowed, my DS and I bust it all out and get it done in the remainder of the day. My scrooge, I mean DH, watches. It all comes down the day after Christmas. I love laying underneath the tree with my son looking at the lights....it's the most content feeling in the world.
I've price matched a lot of things of BF...I generally get to my 24 hour store 1-2 hours before 5am and grab what I need and drop it off in the cart with my FIL who patiently waits in womens clothing for all of us to shop.
What's the worst you have ever received or witnessed someone receiving? The worst I have ever witnessed is my son getting regifted a goody bag from his own birthday party in his Christmas stocking from his Nana. My mom really got the look that day, along with a "seriously Mom?". DS didn't mind though. It was good humor.
I'm about 30% done. But my idea list is pretty much complete, so now I'm just waiting for the ads to see what I can pick up on BF!
Caption Photos & Win GottaDeal.com Black Friday Survival Kits [Winners Chosen!]
angied64084 replied to Brad's topic in 2009
1) It was then, looking at her carts of BF goodies, that Sally realized that all of her years playing Tetris were going to finally pay off. 2)I can' f**ing believe she talked me into this s**t. I don't care what she says, I'm not caring that d*** pink bag around this mall all day. My face itches and I need a shave....grumble grumble...where's my coffee.... 3) And visions danced throught their heads, TVs for $199, DVD's for $4.99...oh the sights they would see, the deals, the carts, in the crowds they soon would be.... -
If you have a DH/DW/SO, what are you getting them this year?
angied64084 replied to AudreyNicole's topic in 2009
He doesn't like me spending money on him, but my son and I usually pick out something small-ish and it's from the DS. Probably a wii hunting game this year... -
My DS(5) has consitantly asked for Bakugans (two please! HOW CUTE:)), and a bike. He asked for a REAL 4-wheeler and I had to tell him that Santa can't haul those on his sleigh...and he let it go...dodged that one this year. He also does random "I want that!" during commercials, but nothing else has really stuck. He is nuts about those Nerf guns but I've been saying for a long time, so maybe I'll pick one of those up too. Other than that, he'll probably get some movies and wii games.
I'd like a nintendo ds for myself but honestly would not be bothered if I didn't get a thing. I got my big wants through out the entire year this year (some out of necessity), washer/dryer, dvd camcorder and a wii.
The smokers will hate me, but smoking in line. I know you are outside and have your rights, but it's still my right to complain about it. I hate the smell! I also detest line cutting of any sort and people who are grumpy/crappy with others and specifically with the cashiers. It's BF, its going to be busy, it's going to be crowded, you are going to spend most of your time in the store waiting to be checked out....
Besides the great deals, what is your favorite part about BF?
angied64084 replied to Jen08's topic in 2009
I always meet my MIL and SILs at the store, so I really enjoy the drive into town, the anticipation increasing as you get closer and see more cars/people. I always have fun talking to people in line and have met some fun people. Also, I have an old acquantance (sp?) that the only time we actually see each other is on BF. She usually finds me at Kohls or Target and we visit in line, share pictures of the kids and review our purchases so far in the day. It's neat. -
This year will be my ninth year. I can't wait!