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Posts posted by ashfrash

  1. 2 in just a few days, Awesome!


    I see a few things I could use in this ad. Unfortunately "I" is the operative word there, and "I" am not supposed to be shopping for "me". LOL


    I wonder if by BF my pup will be less likely to chew up one of those dog beds. Hmmmm. Probably not.

    Bopeep! I saw this comment and HAD TO chime in because I feel your pain! I bought this Grannicks Bitter Apple spray because my mongrels chew evvvvvvverythjnnnggggg up to shreds...was getting desperate because of the wasted money! It worked!! No shredded beds, blankies, anything since I started using it! We were pretty diligent about spraying things heavily in the beginning to make a big statement, but now I spray maybe once a week just to maintain.. the bottle will last forever. Try it! It’s about $5..


    Grannick's Bitter Apple for Dogs Spray Bottle, 16 Ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00028ZMEO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_YJyVBbD646TX8

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    Because curious minds want to know! What is the most unusual/weirdest/downright strangest thing you've ever seen in your history of Black Friday shopping?

    And no, paper money doesn't count :P

    Years ago, when Best Buy was the place to be at 3am on BF morning, I remember making friends with the folks behind us, chit chatting for what felt like at least an hour...with no mention of additional party member or Tagalongs...then out pops this 6-7ish year old kid from one of those lidded hand carts, all bundled up and chillin in her PJ’s playing her handheld video game and drinking hot chocolate. It was so funny...so bizarre...

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