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Everything posted by KellyMarie65

  1. Thanks! I was able to get the 3 I need
  2. After trying about 5 times, it kept doubling my total, I was able to put an order through. I hope I like the quality and am glad we have one nearby for returns
  3. Ugh, I'm trying to ignore this deal lol
  4. Thanks! I was able to get 2 more, I needed 4 total.
  5. How long do you think the Keurig cups will be available with the new Vue being sold?
  6. Price went up about $10 but still seems worth it with the 20% off. Limit 2. Hopefully, I can find 2 more soon on sale. Thanks, great deal
  7. I came home from work to half my order cancelled
  8. Mine shipped today! Excited! Can't wait to start loading music :)
  9. I need a deal for the Wii system
  10. The reviews on Amazon are not good either. just an fyi
  11. Same here, I'd like the black ones too.
  12. I was just afraid it would give me 3 subscriptions for the same year as it read, Get 3 subscriptions, no where did it say I would get 3 years kwim? So, I just ordered one subscription each.
  13. I was unsure because it says 3 of the subscriptions so I went with one of each to be safe.
  14. Is it 3 years or 3 subscriptions? It says 3 subscriptions when I click on gimme 3?
  15. I can't find any reviews on these games?
  16. Glad to read the good reviews! My son is so in to this right now. thanks :)
  17. Thanks! grabbed one for my tomboy daughter :)
  18. Thanks! $11.25 shipped to my door. I always need new comforters for sleepover LOL
  19. He does have an xbox but he gets his movies through Blockbuster.
  20. The reviews on Amazon weren't that good? What do you think?
  21. Off to check it out. Walmart had great reviews on the tv above btw so that helped my decision plus amazon has that 5% cash back :)
  22. I'm going to grab this for my oldest son, he really needs a tv and I'll just buy the 3 yr in home warranty. :) Now to find him a blu ray player, he will be SO psyched. :)
  23. Oh, just if you shop through a rebate site you get a certain percentage back and dell qualified. I don't think we can post the sites here.
  24. I was thinking this too, but figure if it does go that low I can grab two more and they will just add on to each other. So, this way I still get this price just in case and will get a small rebate too.
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