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  1. YUP I think I posted the first "warning" on the first thread about the hair , its funny they all come with warning stickers ALL OVER now. "Do not put zhu zhu in , near , around hair"
  2. I ordered quite a few TY!!! Question when I checked out there was a LONG list of "your credits" what is that and how do I get them???
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Zhu-Go-86690-Butter-Cheeks-Hamster/dp/B002UP9GA8/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_1 Adorable! I am off to take a peak at TRU will try and post prices later today! I only know of: Butter Cheeks Baby Cakes Muffin Pumkin Snickle Fritz for names so far...
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Zhu-Pet-Hamster-Babies/dp/B002UPECWA http://www.amazon.com/Zhu-Pets-Baby-Hamster-Stroller/dp/B0031B70BC/ref=pd_sim_t_1 babies are also now in stock at TRU
  5. I just got 2 50/100 from the site so Im good! Move the list from wesleys hand to the purse!
  6. Im in the Wii party! I LOVE house party this in my 4th party!
  7. THAT is so silly , what a unique idea tho!
  8. Got everything I needed , 42 inch LCD flat tv from walmart for $450-ish, got ALL the toys I needed from Walmart for $400 , DH even got Barbie pet vet center at TRU for $50 off BF price LOL by simply telling the lady the price he wanted it to be , the lines were so long she just punched it in so it wasn't the BF $79 but $29! Got My 5 yr old her iPhone and dock, hit up Old Navy got My lego game for xbox 360 and $5 fleeces for the fam. Had a great black friday got everything for everyone , and got to see DH haggle! LMAO! Wish I could find another blu ray player... there is still time!
  9. a few weeks back at target it was only $79
  10. LOL glad I could help put the mystery to rest! Oooo like I said when mommy and daddy say no , try and con Santa into doing it LOL
  11. Ok I remembered a toy called "shell shock" my brothers kids have it , here it is! Cheap too! they called it their "shocker gun" http://www.amazon.com/Lanard-Shell-Shock-Ammo-Clip/dp/B001UE875K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1255430380&sr=1-1
  12. My daughter , the ONLY thing she asked santa for last year was a snuggie! She was 4 at the time, I just did not understand why?!? LOL
  13. Also if she gets mad over the amount you are able/willing to spend... well just remind her the season is not about the gifts and everyone SHOULD be grateful no mater what type of gift they end up with.
  14. Ok , I have one , my step sister has 3 , and my brother has 5 lol what you do is DO NOT SET SPENDING LIMITS , just simply ask each kid what they want and buy it. That was everyone gets what they want and you don't go broke lol
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