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Everything posted by Joycer425

  1. Got 2 pairs of Muk Luks winter boots today. The clearance tags said online item...Was $124.99 now $10.96
  2. I agree so many people hide stuff that they know is going to go to a better clearance price, that is no different than a target employee getting in on a deal before the customers. After all they probably miss out on a lot working while the clearance stuff goes way down. By the time they get done marking and they are off the clock the deals are probably sold out. Fair is fair, if you are going to go after them for taking it in the back or hiding it up high, you need to go after the people that are stashing stuff. After all I am sure this a lot I miss out on because I don't stash but know other people do in the target that I shop in, that is not really fair to me and the other shoppers either. I don't think getting someone fired over it is really the right thing to do either, if you have that much of an issue with it speak to them first. They are obviously working there for a reason and I would hate to think that you got someone fired who is supporting children all over the fact that you didn't get the bike, toy or whatever else it is for a better clearance price.
  3. My dd5 has one, I bought it for her when they first came out. You have to hook it up to your computer. It comes with one disc and then you buy separate disks with different themes such as Scooby Doo, sponge bob, Clifford, Dora and Diego...each theme has different activities
  4. you live on the coast? because it sounds alot like the only target in my area
  5. I have the number from the receipt for the Memorex tv..DPCI #? 008090223
  6. Bought the memorex 22 inch tv with dvd player for $114.99, regularly $299.99
  7. thank you
  8. Eastern nc, still 50% off Christmas (I scanned some items just to be sure) 30% off candy though it looked like only mint chocolate chips left from what I seen..I didn't see anymore signs for the black dots..there was hardly anything left in the Christmas section, no wrapping paper left..30% off toys
  9. When I go to my walmart again I will recheck. I remember seeing a lionel train set today marked down to $40.00 but I am not sure if it was polar express. It caught my eye because it was on a display shelf in the middle of the main aisle but wasn't something I was interested in so I didn't really check it out.
  10. word of advice on the giraffe limbo game, I bought it for my dd5 for christmas. The pole that you limbo under has a plastic giraffe attached to it. She was playing and hit the pole which fell down and the giraffe scraped down her nose, she has a large scrape almost all the way down her nose.
  11. Not much left in my store, the only thing that I did get that wasn't marked clearance was the Fancy Nancy Christmas book. All the kids Christmas books were scanning 50% off. They were still on end cap of the children's books and there wasn't any clearance sign.
  12. I did receive my packages yesterday. I emailed them saying that it was wrong to change the date, when people where expecting these things for Christmas. They emailed me back saying I would get them on time. I hope everybody who ordered for Christmas gets their packages on time and I didn't get mine just because I complained.
  13. Kohls, is great for babies clothes too, check the clearance racks
  14. 15 year old, clothes...6 and 9 year old portable dvd players and dvd..3 year old a motorized car that he can drive...the 3 youngest you can easily get in one store such as walmart..the oldest is a challenge as you would have to go to a mall.
  15. FYI. I ordered on Dec 15 and Dec 16. Both said my package will arrive by Dec 24. I just tracked them and they have been changed, one will arrive between Dec 29-January 5 and the other will arrive between Dec 30 and Jan 6. They never sent an email notifying me of the change either. I don't think it is right knowing people are ordering Christmas Presents that they would promise something to get there by Christmas and then change it without notifying anybody.
  16. yes I believe that you can
  17. That's great for you that it worked out for you..I am talking about the people who aren't given the choice...there is alot of people who haven't worked retail and have no idea that not everybody can do that shift as they would like to celebrate the holiday with there family and not worry about going in at midnight. You have to know as well as I do that not all people are pleasant shoppers on that day or on Thanksgiving. I know I did retail for 11 years. I find it unnecessary for these stores to be open on Thanksgiving or at midnight. We are supposed to be enjoying that day as a holiday with family, not worrying about getting to the stores for the best deals.
  18. Guess you don't sleep at all then. You are a lucky person, you are able to work all night and then spend all the rest of your time with your family. Most people need sleep especially if they are working at midnight dealing with a bunch of lunatics.
  19. do you not see that they will still need to sleep at some point when they could be spending time with there family...It is a shame that Thanksgiving is no longer a holiday because people are more focused on getting a deal. Maybe if you where the one who had to work that shift and deal with angry sleep deprived shoppers you would see things differently
  20. I didn't say shopping was a crime anywhere in there...I said maybe we should get back to family values and there would be less crime. If shopping is more important then spending time with your family then that's a shame not a crime.
  21. You knew that was part of your job when you took it, when you have a public serve career suck as a cop, doctor or nurse you don't have a choice. Crimes happen, people get sick. When you are in retail it is not what you signed up for. Most retail associates make close to minimum wage and people have a choice to shop or not shop. If we didn't shop the stores wouldn't be open at such unreasonable hours. Maybe if we went back to family values there would be less crime on the streets.
  22. Are you really kidding with that reply you just wrote...It is a big deal..I worked retail 11 years and you aren't given the choice to work or spend time with your family..you are made to work and there is no fair rotation..it is wrong..and while you are missing spending time with your family you have to deal with rude people who make the day even worse for you...the fact that their family is sleeping at midnight and they are working means that they need to get sleep sometime before going to work, which means they probably have to get some sleep while their family is still awake..Those who you say are lucky to have a job and should have there holiday mean less so you can shop are probably being paid minimum wage or close to it. I refuse to shop on Easter or Thanksgiving because I think it is wrong to be open that day. If everybody stopped shopping those days no matter how good the sale is, the stores would get the hint eventually and stay closed.
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