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  1. Found 3 DS games at 75% They had also put a BUNCH of WII & DS games on 30% off. Hopefully there will still be some there when they go 75%. Nothing in toys, just a bunch of junk. Charging stations for cell phones etc for 75% off :)
  2. Target on Northlake & Congress in Palm Beach county went 75% today. The other 7 I go to were all at 50% still
  3. Hey I live down in West Palm, I will have a look out for you & maybe we can meet up & exchange for you :). I will PM u my cell #, give me a call, I am hitting up about 8 Targets today if they go 75% off :)
  4. Yes they do sometimes pull new legos on the big clearance days. You can always stash the legos that are there at 30% behind some laerger boxes & then take it to a member of the price change team on the big day & they will adjust it for you if it has gone down further
  5. Heading to about 7 Targets tomorrow to make my list of what I want for my 3 boys but after having a quick scan through the toys last week I am sure the list will be pretty short as they seem to just have cr@p on sale this time . I stii have lego sets left over from last year but so far have only seen 2 sets in all 7 stores at 30% off. Happy with all the Christmas stuff I got at 90% off. I got gift wrap, cards, ornaments, tissue & bags :) .
  6. Never seen the smart cycle games on clearence at Target. Did find a Dora game at Walmart for $11.00 last year. The smart cycles are at 50% here & we have 4 left in one store & havent seen any in the other 5 stores.
  7. We have 3 ailses of toys that are all marked 50% off so I am guessing that they will go 75% on Thurs 14th. I dont know about anyones elses store but all the stuff on clearance just seems like crap. The last few years I have gotton some FAB toys for my kids but I just dont see anything that I would go crazy over like I have done in past years .... maybe its just my kids have so much of everything there is nothing else left to get , lol
  8. YAY, finally went 75% off this morning. Got all I needed just wish that i could have found a 7ft tree for our bedroom :)
  9. YAY, finally went 75% off this morning. Got all I needed just wish that i could have found a 7ft tree for our bedroom :)
  10. Stll 50% in South FLorida...grrrrrrrrrr
  11. 50% still here in South Florida
  12. I have only seen the Power Miners legos on 30% so far. The Legos are weird, some stores here go from not even having them marked clearence & then put them straight at 75%, some are at 30% for ages & then only go to 50% off. We got pretty Legoed out this year, LOL I managed to get my 6yr old about 15 different sets all at 75% off so I am saving some for next Christmas just incase I dont find any at 75% off this year.
  13. Last year he toys went on 75% off on Thurs Jan 15th
  14. One of my Targets ripped all the BTS school barcodes off & stuck new ones over the top .
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