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  1. That is the exact deal we got. It has a scratch and a dent but it is on the side and that is where is slides in the cupboard spot. Thank you again, this was wonderful. I will definitely keep this in mind for the future. Unbelievable deals.
  2. Wonderful Thank you very much! We found one at the searsoutlet online and we are going to pick it up this weekend. Thank you again.
  3. I would but with the door pieces falling off it looks bad and since our house is only 5 years old we need to replace it. Thank you for the thought.
  4. Does anyone know where I can get a cheap or as cheap as possible stainless steel refrigerator? It has to be the french doors or something close to that size. We are selling our house soon and our current refrigerator is acting up so we need to replace it but we dont want to buy another $2000 refrigerator, since we can't take it with us. We are hoping to be under $1000 or closer to $700. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  5. Any Ideas for stocking stuffers for a 15 yr old boy? My son isn't giving me any ideas other than candy and chapstick. I have all kinds of things for my daughters but I cant think of anything for him. Thank you in advance for all ideas.
  6. If anyone is still looking toys r us has these games buy 1 get 1 50% off today. I bought 2 black ops 2 and just split the cost with a friend. Just a thought. You can order them online with free shipping.
  7. You can only order them from Toms. Between my 2 daughters they have 5 pairs and they love them. Toms sends a pair of shoes to a needy child for every pair you purchase. It's a way of giving back.
  8. I tried to order the Samsung galaxy and best buy and Walmart are sold out. If anyone knows of another place that has them in stock please let me know. Thank you in advance.
  9. Thank you all of you. I really appreciate this. I truely had no idea what to get since so many of the tablets had negative reviews.
  10. Can anyone suggest a good tablet under $200? All of the reveiws that I am reading for the tablets under $200 aren't good. Both of our daughters are in college and they don't want to take their laptops everywhere they go so they asked for a tablet for christmas. I wanted to stay away from the nook or kindle becuase they can't get apps for amazon and barnes and noble on both and I know you can with a regular tablet. I personally love my ipad but I don't want to spend that amount of money right now. Any suggestions or recommendations are appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
  11. Do you need a code for the 20% off?
  12. Does anyone know of any deals? Thanks in advance
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