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Everything posted by mstokes01

  1. Thanks for the post! I love Coldwater Creek but I really love it when they have thier 50% off sale!! BTW - you don't need the code, the website automatically gives you the savings.
  2. Don't fall for the cheapo $5 pajamas from Wal-Mart! First of all, you have to buy two sizes bigger than your kid normally wears to get them to fit. Then they are so thin and all the fabric softener in the world does not soften them up. Spend the extra money and get them something soft and comfy! Also, cheap electronics are always disappointing.
  3. Hillarious! Simple things make me laugh! Oh, and by the way, I love the pre-forms bras too. I have been wearing cacique for years and it is all I will buy. They give you perfect shape and support and best of all, no "headlights"!!!
  4. Coldwater Creek is VERY NICE clothing. You get what you pay for!
  5. I spent $47 dollars for 13 items! Awesome!
  6. How can I get the Leapfrog coupon you guys are talking about?
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