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  1. Receive a $50 gift card before noon Friday 11-26-10 on every $100 purchase - In Stores Only! http://ebm.cheetahmail.com/c/tag/hBM6pXkAR$Hc0B8Vu1gNsgDSfzh/?t_params=I_FOOTER%3D0%26GENDER%3DF
  2. Got en email that says this year's black Fridays deal is 30% off the entire store if you shop before noon! http://ebm.cheetahmail.com/c/tag/hBM6ts6ATAkUmB8Vu9xNsgDSfGB/[email protected]&t_params=I_FOOTER%3D0%26I_SENDER%3D0%26EMAIL%3D2domjon%2540gmail.com
  3. Great deal!! No Meijer around here tho
  4. You could store them till they got older my 3yr old has 1 he plays all the time
  5. Seams as tho they have removed those blinkie coupon things from all the stores around me
  6. Is there another target you can go to?
  7. I agree they seam to drag out the 50% off period for like a month as apposed to the week it use to be
  8. ###207-24-0083 RockBand for PS3 $69.98 (50% off)
  9. cute got 2 for my girls! thanks
  10. Found a few Great clearance toys at wal-mart today: X-Games Moto X Snow Racer was $79.92 paid $25 check it out: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7976161 Monopoly town $2.50 (was $15) kid connection outdoor adventure kit $3.00 (was $20) 8pk lever 2000 soap $3.00 (was $5) Hannah Montana shorts $3 (was $12.xx) most clearance was 60% to 80% off
  11. they only had the sensitive ones at my store also
  12. scanned full price for me to like 6 different things clearly left over christmas I even double checked my previous purchases when I got home because I remembered getting 2 of them at 75% off earlier this year they were exactly the same
  13. small finds today: ###25-303-0026 8pk target paper towels $3.48 (50% off) ###08-101-1050 350ct filler paper $.48 (75% off) also got 2pks ###00-707-0104 $.99 after coupon only used the 2 I was allotted I would hate for target to stop accepting them - I always see signs with different various printed coupons that they are no longer accepting because of all the fraud
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