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Everything posted by RStanton23

  1. Lucky you. I would vote for the panasonic PX60 Plasma 42 inch. This is a top-rated TV in Consumer reports. Make Best Buy match the Circuit City price (~ $1200). Also, there are lots of other 'rebates' at Best Buy for delivery and other stuff that you need to look at. Secondly, spend some of the $$ on a Home Theater system. Best Buy was (and I think still is) offering a free wireless receiver with the Panasonic Home Theater systems. There is a compatiblility advantage buying the same brand TV and Home Theater system in terms of the remote control compatibilities (a minor issue). Don't forget the Stand! Lastly, you could probably use a new computer... If you cannot spend it all, let me know.....
  2. I ordered some 1 GIG flash drives - order still pending. I wonder if I can cancel? I am having a similar problem with JR.com on their DVDs - they 'lost' thousands of orders though you can see the order status. They say they are now working to fill those orders.
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