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  1. Where did you find the Office Depot scan?
  2. When will the ad scan be posted?
  3. I CAn'T W8 4 THA 7-11 ADZ!!@~!!~
  4. 10 XBOX 360'S~!~!!@!@~~~!!!!!! HOLY SHNEIKIES!!! Whattaya gunna do? Link them all up and invite 39 of your best friends over?
  5. otz

    Hubbies who hate BF....

    Actually, I got into it on my own and then I got my wife into it. She's normally really easy-going and doesn't like sports or physical activity in general, but when we go together, she's a real sport. She'll run up and down the ailes and everyhting. I have a SWAT-team mentality about BF. I research and make up color-coded spreadsheets and prioritized plans and contingency plans. And I am a perfectionist when it comes to the tactical efficiency of executing those plans. Ordinarily, my wife wouldn't care to think about ANYTHING in that amount of detail, but for the both of us, BF is a really fun adventure. Last year we did ALL of our Christmas shopping that day, and we got tons of stuff for ourselves. I think we spent like $1300 or so, and then we got about half of that back in rebates.
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