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About kfinto65

  • Birthday 07/30/1965
  1. I missed out on the $228 65' TCL TV on Walmart.com on Monday. Tried again a few hours later and it was available at my local Walmart. Ordered it and got a message stating I can pick it up on Friday. Got an email later stating it is available to pickup at curbside. Got it Wednesday and now enjoying it. Nothing else has interested me. I have checked the ads but nothing screams buy me!
  2. So nothing about Halloween 2017?
  3. BF 2002, I arrived at BB at 4 AM and was the first in line. Those were the days.... Now I don't even go to BB on BF. What I don't miss? All those mail in rebates. I used to take hours tracking all those rebates.
  4. The Temple, Texas Target still has bagged Easter candy at 50% off. People are buying it so I don't know if there will be much left at 75% I will be checking again tomorrow morning!
  5. The Temple, Texas Target was still 75% off on Christmas items this morning. All the gift sets and good candy was gone. They still have plenty of ornaments, lights and candy canes.
  6. Yep! I was there when they first opened this morning.
  7. All Christmas items 75% off at the Temple, Texas Target!
  8. Thanks for the info. I just have to decide which Wal-Mart to go to now. I believe Wal-Mart carries this model year round. How can we find out how many are on hand at each store?
  9. Most reviewers really like this TV. Would I need to get to Wal-Mart early to get it since they have the Emerson 32" Widescreen LCD HDTV for $248? I hope most shoppers will ignore the Sony so I can arrive at the store around 3 or 4 AM and get the Sony. I plan on keeping my standard def Dish Network equipment for now. I still have a lot of shows to watch off the DVR.... What can I expect when watching standard def on HDTV? Will it look really bad?
  10. My Target usually takes 4 days to hit 75% off on candy so I will check it out tomorrow.
  11. Cool trick! I'm down loading the English language version right now.
  12. I guess you better find a different Target or wait until the manager quits working at that store.
  13. Temple Texas was still 75% off this morning. Still had lots of the cheap Christmas trees left.
  14. Temple, Texas Target 75% off today. I got lots of candy, two of the car care gift sets, two of the $10 portable FM wireless transmitters, two of the 4 in 1 FM transmitters. The 4 in 1 were a surprise as they were marked $20 but came up on the scanner as $2.50!!! I tried one of the cheaper FM transmitters in the house with my iPhone. It worked great!
  15. I was at the Temple, Texas Target this morning. Still 50% off on Christmas stuff. I asked a worker when would it drop to 75% off. He said when Corporate tells them. Now why would Corporate tell some stores to drop to 75% and not others?
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