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Everything posted by flyingv

  1. I noticed in the Big lots Sunday ad they have Nutrisystem. $ 1.00 for lunches and 2/$5 for dinners.
  2. The JcPenney in my town is very small. They had biologe, big sexy hair, matrix products and a few others that I cannot remember. The deal is for shampoo and conditioner. They had other hair products that were 40% off. I hope this helps. I looked at my reciept and my liter bottles after the the 10.00 off coupon wer 8.50 each.
  3. Jcpenny has there shampoo/condition 2 for 21.99 this week. There is also an additional $10.00 off coupon in the flyer. I just purchased $108.00 of shampoo and conditioner for 37.00. The sale is for the liter sized bottles.
  4. I currently live on a ranch and try to find things on ebay. I have gotten some great deals I bought my daughter a pair of spur straps fo $15.00 for Christmas. Also pawn shops are great places to look to. Good luck.
  5. Maybe it was a glitch in the system but my order went through the the extra 5.oo off code. I placed the order just fine.
  6. I just order the same items as stated above but was able to use another coupon for an additional $5.00 dollars off. Making the total $29.00 dollars before tax. Here is the coupon code 90848.
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