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Posts posted by dbdaggit

  1. We had trouble finding a big wheel when we wanted one for our son. We ended up buying a Radio Flyer Twist Trike. It converts easily from a tricycle to a big wheel. It is sturdy and my son loves it. I like that it has rubber on the big front wheel that gives more traction than the old plastic wheel. Amazon has a good price on them.


  2. I called our local Walmart around 10:30 pm Thursday and was told "all day Friday" items would be that price starting at midnight. Went a little after midnight and they didn't have any of it out on the floor. I asked a few associates where the Nintendo DS lites were going to be at 5 and they had no idea. Someone else was asking about laptops and was told they wouldn't know for sure until 3 when the maps came out. Basically just a LOT of associates standing around doing absolutely nothing. None of them seemed to have been told anything. Very disorganized and a waste of my time. This was in mid-MO.
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