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Everything posted by mikeandamanda

  1. It took 50% off only 1 item in my cart. Still a good deal though. Thanks!
  2. Does anyone know how fast shipping is? I really want to buy a few things but I am moving on the 18th.
  3. I just checked t it seemed to be working. Try this link http://www.thepopcornfactory.com:80/snowman-hat-with-treats.product.258237.
  4. Oops I think I got it, it says 15% was taken off but the total seems to reflect the 40. I think I should take a break and drink my coffee lol.
  5. Isn't it supposed to take 40% off?
  6. It's only giving me 15% off. i wonder what I am doing wrong.
  7. http://www.restaurant.com/index.asp?
  8. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to post too. I have become a bit addicted to this website and if it weren't for people like you I would not have saved so much money this Christmas. Well saved may be the wrong word but I saved lots of money on the piles of stuff I bought.
  9. I wholeheartedly agree. I love Gene Wilder version but couldn't even sit through this creepy remake.
  10. I don't believe they accept coupons or codes anymore.
  11. Ha, I was wondering the same thing myself. I bought my mom a replacement for her jacket that got ruined for only $25.
  12. Try sears.com if its NERF Nstrike Vulcan I think it's in stock.
  13. I completely agree that people have bad days and if they have a little bit of attitude or are a little rude that can be forgiven. I know the delivery people work hard, the UPS truck that comes by my house (almost everyday lately) has two delivery people on it to get the deliveries done faster I assume. I see them running around like madmen outside. However, no one should be tracked down at their workplace and laid into. No one. It was a passing dirty look while he delivered a package, it was deliberate and that is inexcusable in my opinion.
  14. On my son's monkey they put the sound box in one of the feet. Try there.
  15. We have the Rock Band kit but had to buy an extra guitar for it. The guitar we bought works great and it is from Guitar Hero. In fact we might buy another one to replace the guitar that came with RB since we have been having issues with it.
  16. I checked at FYE last night and I was told they have the $40 rebate but you have to buy the system for $140, a game and an accessory to qualify. Today I bought one at Circuit City for $129 and got a free traveling case.
  17. I would call and see if they will do anything for you. The company is just poisoning itself when they don't honor their own guarantees or keep their customers satisfied.
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