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Posts posted by SillyDogTrix

  1. I stayed home sick in bed both T-day and today :(

    Are there anymore good sales still to be had? I am looking for Xbox 360 games and some books..does anyone think Twilight would appeal to 19 and 21 yr old boys/men? I have not read them yet but thought Ds's might enjoy them[/QUOTE]



    Yeah the Twilight would be appeal. I got 20-21 year old guy friends reading them!

  2. Everything went well and calm, WHICH WAS A GOOD THING BECAUSE I EXPECTED ALOT OF CUSSING AND PUSHING. I didnt know what to expect because this was my first BF.


    I dropped my bro at Staples to get in line.

    Then I got to Sears around 4:30am. Once the doors opened, people sorta ran in to get in line to pay for the hot items. I waited for about 45 mins before I got my TV paid for and I bolted to get the TV at the pick up line. Woo Hoo


    After that, I headed over to Staples. My bro got the ticket for the laptop so from there everything was done.

  3. Today I went to three different Staples within the area to check out the laptop area and see if the laptop i want is there.


    I only found one Staple having that laptop. It doesnt mean the other two won't have them right?

  4. Hi Everyone


    I'm new here and I found this site through researching a deal for a TV. This will my first Black Friday ever and I'm looking forward to it. However, I'm going alone so boredom will rise during the wait. :yuck: And yes, I'm buying only ONE item...as crazy as it sounds.



    So my question is: what time should I wake up and start waiting?

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