Actually if you do your research well enough, you will find that all plasmas will have temporary burn in. That is still very much a problem for ALL plasmas, they just create way too much heat for the pixels to cool off, even with orbiting pixel screen savers that the new plasmas have. I think that most of the reviews and so called experts haven't used plasmas for a long enough period in everyday situations to make the correct review of this problem. Plus "unbiased" reviewers like Cnet and others are actually paid a lot like politicians. They review what they get the most money from. Believe me I have worked with Plasmas everyday since they came out and I have seen all the problems and benefits of each brand and style. I love plasmas but no one will be able to tell me that burn in doesn't happen on the "new" models. Unless of course you buy a $6000+ plasma like a Pioneer Elite or better. But these budget tvs that go on sale for under $1500 are going to see at least a temporary burn in that needs to be wiped occasionally. Sounds like you have been sold by a smooth tv salesman, or perhaps Cnet.