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Posts posted by gbeenie

  1. elena_398


    Yeah, I did the exact same thing. Having to wait a little was STILL worth not leaving my house for Black Friday.  :)

  2. OK HELP Again: searching for a DECENT priced keyboard/case, or at the least keyboard for that Samsung  3, 10.1 NOT finding any deals... 


    Suggestions "oh great & wise gottadeal veterans"??? I see some that say wireless, but then say they are NOT bluetooth, must it say bluetooth, I'm lost lost lost...


    You're definitely gonna want need it to be Bluetooth. I would just go through Amazon's selection, and see what combination of reviews and price you can find (if you go strictly by price, you GREATLY increas the odds of buying something awful). Here's a link to the one I bought (I didn't realize how-super-portable it was until it arrived):  http://amzn.com/B00EDYX51A


    allshoppedout, how many times do I gotta post this link?




    BTDubs, today's the last day, so quit'cher lollygaggin'.


    alrighty, noooo hostility on Thanksgiving eve, LOL... could it be that I just can't decide what to buy for someone? Or maybe I'll buy one of each and keep the one I like best & gift the other... :loli: :loli:



    We actually bought too many, and are gifting the extra one, so I fully endorse this strategy.  :)

  4. Can anyone tell me if you can watch Amazon Prime on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 or 3?  I just chatted with a staples rep online and they couldn't tell me.  Thank you.


    Depends. If the OS is above Android 4.0, the answer is "no." That's because the Android app relies on Flash, which Google has stopped supporting in Android. However, I have NO DOUBT there's gonna be a fix, because:


    a. The iOS version of the Amazon Instant Video app has always worked without Flash, so it's obviously technically feasible; and


    b. Amazon's not about to just walk away from video sales. They already loosened the restriction that prevented iOS users from streaming the AIV app to their Apple TVs (via AirPlay), so they're clearly not inflexible on these things.

    allshoppedout, how many times do I gotta post this link?




    BTDubs, today's the last day, so quit'cher lollygaggin'.

  5.  I was SURE that deal on The Wolverine at WM was a mistake; but, I re-checked the ad scan, and, sure, enough, there it is. However, it looks like the cover is of the DVD edition (even though it's clearly in a section marked "Blu-Ray"); I would not be surprised if this was a misprint, that Walmart will retract before BF.




    The in-store BF ad is now up on Walmart's web site, and it STILL shows this as being The Wolverine. With the movie not actually released until next week, I'm gonna bring a copy of the ad to the service desk and try to get a preorder.


    Oh, and on closer inspection, the art shown IS for the Blu-Ray; that title just lacks the blue band across the top

  6. Ok I have a last minute item someone asked for. I am not sure what to buy/suggest for the person. What they want in a tablet is


    simple to use

    bigger screen (8.9 or higher) with HD

    comes with/ or can buy readily available compatible keyboard for it

    costs less than 299.

    *wants it for web/shopping,

    entertainment, music,

    EMAIL, not documents so much...


    can someone give me TWO reasonable suggestions.


    I am dizzy from reading this thread.

    I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but http://tech.woot.com/offers/asus-10-1-32gb-tablet-with-keyboard-10?utm_campaign=Commission+Junction+-+10860750&utm_source=Commission+Junction+Publisher+-+1412508&utm_medium=affiliate+-+Product+Catalog

  7. I've been looking at the Hisense at Walmart, but you need to convert mkv files to watch them.  What tablet does anyone recommend that I can just transfer the mkv file without taking the time to convert?  I believe the Kindle Fire HD is the same.


    Huh. Now you've got me curious to learn what tablets (if any) play .mkvs straight out of the box.

  8. I have an Asus but it does not have Office suite.  Also DS has tried an app he got for his iphone and it wont work for him.  Do you have any apps you can recommend for us to download.  DS has an Asus also the Eee pad I have the TF300.  Both of us have the keyboard.  DD has the Acer Iconia A500 which no longer updates...




    I've used Open Office on desktops and laptops for years. While there are minor differences in functionality, the important thing is that you can save your work in MS-compatible formats.


    I haven't looked for an app on my iPhone yet; I'll have to get back to you on that.

  9. I tried emailing and chatting to a rep yesterday and voicing my dislike for new format and asking when lists would be available and both directed me to amazons black friday page. I think amazon is just changing everything for the sake of change and is going to realize when the numbers come in and don't compare to previous years sales


    I'm sorry, tinkrbel, but that is the dictionary definition of solipsism. Assuming that your own displeasure with how Amazon is rolling deals out this year somehow translates to a trend in decreased sales is completely without merit. I, for one (and I don't purport to speak for anyone else), will do as I've always done: be on the lookout, and if a deal comes along that I want, I'll try to buy it.

  10. Just a reminder: You DO NOT need to use a Surface (or any Windows tablet, for that matter) to be able to work with Office-compatible documents. I'm not against any of those things, but you can find Android apps that do what you need (my ASUS tablet even has a pre-loaded office suite); there's no need to limit yourself.

  11. Just a reminder (think I'll post this in the Tablets discussion too): You DO NOT need to use a Surface (or any Windows tablet, for that matter) to be able to work with Office-compatible documents. I'm not against any of those things, but you can find Android apps that do what you need (my ASUS tablet even has a pre-loaded office suite); there's no need to limit yourself.

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