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Posts posted by blankita719

  1. I'm Krista and I do my shopping in Florida :) I have been a BF shopper since I was 16 and my mom took me out with her. I'm 34 now, so you get the idea that I'm a vet! I've only missed one year, and that was when I was working at a cinnamon bun place in the mall so I had to be open to make the coffee and buns to fuel the mall shoppers. But I still went out shopping later that day!


    I joined the site a few years back after my mom finally gave it up as her source for our BF planning. She is also a member of the site along with my sister, but we're more lurkers than participants. I'm mostly here around this time of year but sometimes I'll see something on Facebook and I'll jump over other times too.

  2. We were at Walmart at 6:30 p.m. ready to scope out where we needed to be for all the sales. The online store map they provided on Walmart's website was a joke. The rearranged a lot of the stuff and were giving out maps at the front of the store with black marker through them that you could barely read. Plus they didn't know where half of the stuff was actually going to be. My mom wanted 2 of the 32 inch Emerson tv's and we were told different lines by pretty much everyone we asked. We finally got to the correct line and luckily we were #14 and #15 out of 96 tv's. We had three others placed around the store so my mom swapped places with one of them to grab some other stuff and I ended up hanging out in the line for tv's. They did tickets a few hours into the wait finally.


    Our Walmart was a mess. A near riot broke out near the $2.84 appliances so they let those go into carts an hour early. The cheap towels were gone before 10 p.m. too. An actual fight broke out by the movies and they were gone before 10 p.m. I wish our store was consistent - they made us wait until midnight before they handed out the tv's and kindles and laptops but let everything else go before the sale time. I was irritated with the employees handling our tv line because they weren't very helpful and kept telling us we had to stay in line or lose our place (even with the tickets) before some one finally told them no, we could at least jump out and go to the restroom if needed or go for any of the 10 p.m stuff so long as we had some one to hold our place. However they did hand out 5 our energy shots and free donuts for the wait in the line. The $12 X-Box Live memberships were gone instantly which sucked because I really wanted one for my bro-in-law :(


    For my own shopping: I got 2 of the $1.96 movies (kids ones for my son - thanks to my sister who braved the riots in that section); 1 pair of the $4.97 pj's, $7 Paper Jam, $5 Hot Wheels, and the $12 Solo Skate. They did not get in any of the boy's t-shirts for $2.97 or the fleece hoodies for $4.97 so I was disappointed. I can't list what all my mom and sister got - they did much better than me there!


    Then we went across the street to Target. We still had to wait a few minutes to get in even after midnight because they were only letting so many people in at a time. Grabbed the $7 pj's, the $3 hat and gloves, $13 Transformers Dark of The Moon DVD. They were packed in there but I saw a few tv's left. Toys were wiped out pretty quickly too.


    Next stop was Toys R Us. I wanted to try & get the flashback Atari game for $24.99 but they weren't there. Did grab the Barbie Princess Charm School DVD for my niece and the $5 Cuponk game.


    Our JC Penneys decided to open at 3 a.m. instead of 4, so I think this is why it wasn't as crowded as it could have been. Got a few of the $5.88 long sleeve boy shirts and the $15.00 winter jacket along with a few stocking stuffers.


    Next was Bath & Body works - I only got the 5 for $5 Pocketbac hand sanitizers there - I wasn't impressed with many of their "sale" items but I still love that store!


    Final stop was Sears. We actually didn't get anything there, just looked around mostly.


    I lied - my sister actually also stopped into Claire's and cleaned up in their clearance section - they had a lot of really cute stuff for my niece so her stocking is complete!


    We were out for about 12 hours total - it was a very long night. I really hope Walmart does not do the 10 p.m. sale again - it threw our whole schedule off!

  3. Yesterday my mom & I went to Sears and it was a huge bust. Our Sears is terrible, and barely had any of the advertised items. The $9.99 "jeans for the whole family" advertised were really jean leggings, and the $12.99 jackets were very limited sizes. We found one for my DS and when we took it to the register, we had to wait for over 15 minutes while they tried to take off the security tag. Then when they finally got it off, the security ink was all over the sleeve and they tried to act like there was nothing wrong with the jacket. We ended up not getting it at all. However, we hit Walgreens and got some great deals with the toys at 50% off.


    My mom, sister & I then hit Walmart around 9:15 p.m. People were already there and getting some of the midnight items. We complained to one of the sotre managers who said he didn't care if we grabbed stuff, so long as we didn't try to check out before midnight. So, since everyone else was grabbing we started getting some too. However, they weren't consistent at all because half the employees would let you grab stuff, but one of the other managers in the store was yelling at people to put stuff back and literally yanking things out of their hands. The DVD's and games were insane. Managed to grab a few DS games but none of the other platforms. Got one of the Rock Star Zhu Zhu pets, 2 of the $4 pj's, 2 of the $4 thermal shirts (the hoodies were nowhere to be found), a couple pair of the $8 jeans, $5 Hot wheels, $2.97 hand mixer and a handful of DVD's but we avoided the 5 a.m. electronics. My son didn't want a lot of the toys in the add, so I bought a few non-sale items for him as well. My mom & sister got most of what they wanted as well. Checked out by 12:15 then headed across the street to wait in line at Target. Walmart was a mess, completely unorganized and totaly inconsistent with what they were saying. They didn't get several of the items, like the $5 Barbies, girls $4 pj's or the $149 Kitchenaid mixer.


    Target was busy but a better experience. We got there before 12:30 and were 50th in line. We did have some family waiting at Target at 9 p.m. and even they were still not the first in line. Target security team and the local PD were out making sure people weren't trying to jump in line, but people still tried to jump in. Can't stand that...you want it that badly? Get there early like the rest of us. Ended up grabbing the $79 GPS, the $35 Need for Speed game, the $6 boys jeans and more of the DVD's. The only bad thing was that the checkout lines were not moving very quickly but we were out by 4:45 a.m. Made a quick trip home to nload and then we headed over to The Children's Place and got some really cute shirts and a watch. They had everything 30% off and then another coupon for an additional 20% off, so we got some great prices. Hit Bath & Body Works last for some good smelling stuff and finally made it home...I've got my third wind now and itching to go back out!

  4. For years as a kid, I wanted this giant stuffed white tiger that I saw somewhere. Every year I asked for that thing and finally when I was around 12, I got my stuffed white tiger....Yes, it's probably silly but after years of asking for it and finally getting it I was thrilled beyond belief:)
  5. Use to go to K-Mart on Thursday morning about 2:00 a.m., but since it has closed...I just get up early work on Thanksgiving meal, check the computer off and on all day...the paper is delivered so grab it early and start pouring thru the ads, there is something about having the actual ad in hand...lol. My daughters usually have Turkey dinner with other relatives, so it is just Significate Other and friends for dinner. My Daughters and any other friends that are brave enough to go with us come over to the house about 7 p.m. This is when it gets serious...everyone has a notebook, pen and ads in hand, pies are sliced and drinks are make and we start on who is looking for what and who is going to what stores and list are made. We divide up and pick up for each other...I never go to bed...too excited. I usually head to Wal-Mart about 11:00 pm...pick up sale items that go on at midnight check out load it in the car and head off to the store that I will standing in line at...usually Target. It is an annual event at my house!!!

    And as one of said daughters - it never fails that our significant others think they are going to try & get out of it every year - Bwahahahahaha

  6. It is part of the Tradition...even with some of my family in other states, we are on the phone with each other all night...and if one can't get something the other one will and we have been known to buy and mail it with the other Christmas gifts we send...LOL....those of us that are close by, we get together on Thanksgiving evening have dessert and plot and plan the final attack....It's all about spending a great time shopping with family and friends...the official start of the Christmas season at our home.



    My mom stole my lines! We've been doing this for so many years now...The thrill and excitement of getting the deal and bonding when no one else gets it!

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