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Posts posted by Isa40:11

  1. We are considering a artificail [sp?] tree this year and I like that looks of one of the deals that kohls will be having, where are the trees normally located in the store? I don't think I remember ever seeing them, probably because I am never there at 4 lol.
  2. Do your homework before doing this, our outlet malls have done this the past few years and #1 it is sheer maddness, people parking on the FREEWAY and walking to the stores, and it goes on from there. #2 my sister works at Old Navy and they have had the exact same deals availabe for a few days before Thanksgiving, so why fight the maddness at 1:30 in the morning when you can go 2 days before T.G. and get the same deal... jmo
  3. I get this also. Mine is a combo. of s.a.d. my in laws and Christmas begining at hallloween every year. My in laws have no money problems, in fact my sil just bragged to me a few hours ago that her dh had given her 2 grand for Christmas. They just turn Christmas into a giant materialistc mess every year. I hate that my kids are experiancing Christmas in this way. at least we go to my parents house also and that sort of keeps them grounded. Seeing what society has turned Christmas intlo really depresses me. and having no escape from it because my in laws are completely into it makes it worse. I have one major breakdown a year, then I try to suck it up and move on. but I never feel "good" sorry this wasn't much help.
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