OMG This year was the WORST I have ever seen BF at Walmart. I wasn't able to snag any 4GB MCs or Flash drives, but I got the picture frames and portable dvd player. They only let you get 1 dvd player. There were a TON of people waiting for Wiis and I never saw any Leapsters. I also PMed TRU for the EyeClops. The person didn't want to do it since it was $40 difference but a manager finally pushed it through.
Then I went to Target and stood in a line of maybe 50-60 people before 6am. I got the fly pen, the 16 in 1 game table, a 2 gb card, disney movies, another portable dvd player and pet shop things. The GH Wii pack was sold out which I was kinda bummed about. Target was 100x more manageable.