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About lcplwinkerswife

  • Birthday 06/30/1986
  1. Lord bless anyone trying to get stuff on here took me an hour to get checked out cause the site kept crashing on me but i got my baby girls guitar so im happy ... now i dont have to go to the store on friday woohoo!!!! now im going to bed goodnight all!
  2. great webcast tonight! Thanks Big Jim!
  3. Academy Sports and Outdoors!!!
  4. having a hard time locating the doc mcstuffins check up center out of stock at almost every target and walmart around here even at tru my mom is wanting to get it for our 4yr old dd and very hard locating it
  5. So far im doing fairly well on our dd but am not doing so great for hubby and other family members but i figure there stuff is easier to find than some of the toys shes wanting ... but i have 3 of her major things and 1 little small thing i hope to finish on bf not black thursday black friday
  6. we get a real tree so as soon as I see them going out we will get one...
  7. ill go out but not until either late Thursday night / early Friday morning ... we eat around lunch time on thanksgiving but im not going to be one of those 5pm shoppers thats for sure on Thursday. I know people that work at these stores know that they will be working crazy hours but i dont agree with them having to come in on an actual holiday just so the store can make an extra buck.
  8. Anyone know of any radio stations playing Christmas Music? none of our local stations have started yet
  9. Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, polar Express , White Christmas, Deck the Halls
  10. there are actually a few things in the ad that my dd asked for hoping i can either get them online or price match it somewhere else... i refuse to be at a store at 5pm on thanksgiving
  11. no he was medically discharged back in 2008 lol
  12. Bought my first 3 christmas presents on Friday this past weekend ... all for our dd but i started so... thats what counts
  13. hoping they have ipads as cheap as last year would really like one
  14. i figured we would have seen this before now ... oh well they will still release it early anyways
  15. been doing it for about 12 years started when i was still in high school in 2001 going with my mom, now i go with a crazy group of friends
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