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Posts posted by MikeyBFTrooper

  1. I would like to see a Blu-Ray player for around $69. I would probably pay $99 for one if it was Netflix capable. Also hoping for a cheap laptop deal like we have seen years past (not last year!) at BB - maybe a sub $200 this year??

    I hear ya on the Netflix capable player. There is a Samsung one out there that I see on sale nearly every week. It is about $250.00 right now. My girlfriend keeps demanding that we get the Netflix player cause she has an account with them. So I am hoping this one does go on sale for BF.

  2. I think for some it is the one time of the year where you can go shopping crazy and just cut loose on buying. Especially for me. I am usually pretty conservative all year, cause I know that on Black Friday there are no limits and I plan on having a blast buying stuff. It's like the calm before the storm. Pardon the cliche of course.
  3. I don't have much of an arsenal, its usually just me with my sister at some other store. As long as I have warm clothes on it's fine. However, would be nice to have a place to use the bathroom while waiting. It's tough for me since no one can hold my spot. Oh well. Guess I better avoid too much tea and coffee before hand.
  4. Kmart Starts 'Black Friday' Two Days After Halloween




    From the story:




    So it looks like Kmart just took a bunch of their regular electronics ad items, put them under an "Early Black Friday" banner and expects people to assume Black Friday = Good Deals when I'm guessing they won't be that great...

    I agree. I think this is a sly way of getting people in the store with the usage of the "Black Friday" term. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but yeah I wouldn't hold my breath on there being anything too exciting. I honestly think alot of stores are gonna jump on the bandwagon with this kind of tactic before the actual day. I looked at the TRU "Door Buster" ad for this weekend and was not impressed.

  5. I was thinking of trying Sears first this year actually. Have done CC twice in the last 2 years and WM once. Sears had some stuff I wanted last year but I never made it out there. What I am worried about is where to line up if this is attached to a Mall like most are? I heard some people are allowed to lineup in the Mall itself, while many others wait outside in the cold at the front door. I will give them a call I guess beforehand. I am liking those Blu Ray player deals and DVDs. :D
  6. Well the kmart I was at didn't have a large line (I was first at 3am) but people who got there an hour or two before they opened even got the 32" HDTV last year for 499, which was what most of the people came for. So, I would say if there's something you want in their ad, you probably have a good shot at it.

    Well the good thing is I usually go for small items, dvds/cds/games etc. and whatever other random item catches my eye, which seems to happen alot on this day. But thanks for the info though, sounds like it ain't too bad at all. I will mark that as +1 in the "reasons to go" column.

  7. I keep getting so tempted to stop at KMart on my way to my parents place each year, cause I leave so early I usually end up passing by two different Kmarts about an hour or so before they open on TG. And one that is right off the 99 freeway. I have yet to see what the crowds look like there on TG though, may be worth it, may be a bust who knows. But I do get that itchy feeling when I see that big red K closing in on me as I am flyin down the freeway. :D This might be the year!
  8. I have not done this yet.

    I am Mike or Mikey people call me either or.

    I am 31 live in Southern, CA near the beach.

    Single, live in a Apartment. Was married but divorced, No kids.

    Work in life Insurance. Don't worry, I don't sell it, haha.

    Have 3 step bros, 1 sis. Family lives in Central Valley near Fresno, which is where I attend the fine sport of Black Friday.

    Been doing Black Friday for 3-4 years now. Still considered a noob.

    Love the Atlanta Falcons!! Burner Turner baby!!

    And Angels and Giants for Baseball.


    Nice to meet all of you on here. You all seem like a great group.

  9. Man, U folks r quick... I'm not exerienced on BF yet, I always get confused and end up at the wrong end of the store. How do you know where they place items from the ads (i.e. R the DVDs in w/movies or someplace else)?

    Usually when a store like CC or BB has a ton of DVDs on sale, they usually toss them in huge bins or boxes and move them to the front of the movie section. It is probably the first DVDs you will see on the floor once you hit that area. As for check out, Circuit City by my area has registers lined up and down the middle isles which goes from the movies past the music sections. Alot of people don't pay attention to these registers cause they don't look like them. They usually run to the front of the store to check out. Last year, after grabbing my movies I turned around and a CC employee said, "ready to check out sir?" I said yeup, no waiting at all behind anyone. It was pretty sweet.

  10. First ever Black Friday was Walmart at 5am. Got out of there by 5:30 or so due to the crowd, it was nuts. Circuit City every other year. Last year I was most impressed with their organization of the checkout lanes. I grabbed the DVDs I wanted and was out of there at 5:00am cause they opened about 15 min early. I still had an hour to wait for Target, which was no worry since there are like 5 Targets within a 25mi radius out there. haha.
  11. Well if I stay in OC for BF then maybe one or two friends may tag along. But visiting family in Central Valley makes that difficult so I usually go to the Fresno stores. My sister will come along, but she breaks off for a different store most of the time like Kohls or Walmart. So I am usually kickin it on my own.
  12. Uggh, I hate this part. Cause sometimes I fall short of my intended amount, such as last year. But this time I got it figured out, gonna do all my car stuff like brakes/oil etc and important things this month, then I will have plenty of extra cash in November. I am gonna try for at least $450-$500. Should be more than enough for my items. Although we have not seen those ads yet, so who knows.
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