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Everything posted by callir

  1. Oddly enough, worked just fine for me this morning!
  2. Showing not available to ship now and each store I select it tells me it can't ship to..one by one... bummer
  3. Thank you! I have been waiting for a good time to use my Groupons from July. I got: U-Build Sorry ($9) Trouble ($12) Guess Who ($16) My Little Pony Twilight ($5) My Little Pony Cupcake ($5) My Little Pony Rainbow ($8) and the Playskool Explore 'N Grow Step Start Walk 'N Ride ($25) for...$4.02, plus I had paid $30 for the Groupons back in July. Something for all the kids!
  4. Back in stock at WALMART! It showed out of stock this morning so I just checked again and ordered one without a problem. 1:15 p.m. MST
  5. I am so mad I missed this one! We need socks!
  6. Thanks! I ordered new coats for both of my boys next year!
  7. Got this error... "That promotion code does not match your order."
  8. I was there twice today, but read this afterwards. I am curious to hear if anyone else finds the same thing. If I go back to the store (Heaven help me), I will check and let you know.
  9. Nevermind, I must just be way too tired. I figured it out. I have never done the Staples Rewards....can they be used on anything?
  10. Will you post details of this deal? Thanks!
  11. Thank you all. Sounds like my store is just being tight again. I think it is time to drive further for a better store!
  12. Anyone have a copy of the official price adjustment policy? My local store is saying that it doesn't apply to Black Friday, but I would bet that the policy does NOT exclude it. My store just seems to be stingy....things ALWAYS get marked down after everyone else, when they did the buy 2 get one free Wii games they wouldn't allow me to use it on clearance (another location had NO problem with it), and this is the one where the employee refused to tell me if the tv was being marked down and then I busted her and the rest of the markdown team loading up their own carts with tvs and checking out. It is really frustrating. I spend A LOT of time and money there and it sucks to have to feel like I am doing something wrong by shopping their clearance. Only infant jeans on clearance were still $9.xx, nothing besides baby in clearance. Overall, a bummer of a trip.
  13. Anyone know if they take their own expired coupons? I have 3 sitting in my purse that expired on Halloween. 10% off this deal could make for a Merry Christmas for me, myself, and I!
  14. Anyone know if they take their own expired coupons? I have 3 sitting in my purse that expired on Halloween. 10% off this deal might make for a lovely Christmas gift for me, myself, and I!
  15. I got all excited when I saw this and then read that you bought them all. Thank goodness I didn't load the troops up for that. :) It is fun to see that there is another gottadealer in the area! I was gonna go today, but couldn't bring myself to get my grumpy kids ready and out the door.
  16. I went this morning and bought 4 costumes for my kids' dress up box (Bumblebee Transformer, Ninja, Fireman, and Fairy princess thingy), 2 wigs, and LOADS of candy for Christmas gift bags and I paid $44. Thanks for the tip.
  17. Now that I know that I will certainly do that next time! Thanks for the info.
  18. Which store did you go to? I am in Utah too and my store went to $225 (South Towne).
  19. She came over to electronic because I had asked them to check and see if it was marked down. The guy in electronics called her over (she was at CS). She walked over and asked what I was wondering about. I showed her, she scanned it, and then said, "I need to talk to a supervisor about this...it might go down, but I don't know. I have to talk to a manager and I can't do that until we come over here to do markdowns." I even said, "I am here now and have to get home to my kids. What can I do? Who can I talk to?" She told me she needed to talk to the markdown manager and I needed to just wait until they came to electronics. I asked what time she thought they would get over there so I could get my kids and come back and she said she had no idea because they had more to do. So, she knew the price when she scanned it FOR ME and WITH ME standing there....and then the BS started flowing.
  20. I agree they should shop on break, but beyond any of that....don't lie to me! Bottom line is that she didn't know until she scanned it for me that it was going to go that low today...and then she wanted to get the word out before I had the chance to buy. She LIED telling me she had to talk to a manager. I should have realized what was happening and just loaded them all up and headed to the front and dealt with a manager at checkout, but I had no information as far as what the price would be, etc. She kept it all very quiet and just gave her excuses. I am just glad dh went back when he did because by the time I got the kids ready for school and out the door I would have missed out! Whatever the policies are about shopping on the clock, etc...Be HONEST! That is what bugged me!
  21. It was this.... http://www.amazon.com/VIZIO-quot-1080p-LCD-HDTV/dp/B001GKK14I 008-09-1433 32" Vizio 1080p Java Series 225.24 ($450). I had been watching it and knew today would be mark downs. I was there when the store opened and checked it. The employee told me that she needed to talk to a manager before she could sell any and that I had to wait until the markdown team got over there before she would do it. I asked her when they planned to be in electronics then and she said, "I don't know what order we will go in today so I really can't tell you. You would just have to be here." I had to get home so dh could leave for work so I asked her to please tell me what they were going to be marked down to or what we could work out since they were marking them down and I was there at that moment. She told me she couldn't tell me whether or not they were going to be marked down or when - and walked off. I was mad that she was like that and the more I thought about it the more I realized that she totally lied to me. I got home and told my husband as he walked out the door for work. He decided to stop on his way. Sure enough, the mark down team (including her) were marking them down and grabbing them for themselves!!! He grabbed one, put it in his cart and made her put a sticker on it (the only ones they had marked were the ones THEY were taking in carts). He walked over to check out was in line behind to employees from the mark down team! When he got up there the cashier called the manager over and whispered something to him. My husband doesn't know what she said, but the manager replied, "Nope, he is good. This gentleman just got a great deal on an unexpected price drop. Well done, sir!" I was really bugged that the markdown girl LIED to me and then it seemed the cashier had some bee in her bonnet....oh well....we got one! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Anyone know how long shipping usually takes with this site?
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