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  1. Been a while so is it OK to ask what time Japan time?
  2. I read KMart is getting backlash for their new hours?
  3. GTA V ? I know it should be out soon? Any deals on that?
  4. Not a fan of the change. What is next moving it to Tuesday? Thanksgiving is family time and not everyone is lucky enough to have family close enough where they can see each other often I agree with others that this change may result in meaner and aggressive crowds. I do my shopping online now and would not be braving the crowds if I was in the USA this year.
  5. Is this a new policy? Was there trouble there last year? http://www.10news.com/news/shopper-lines-up-for-black-friday-1-week-early
  6. Free IT books 1) Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introducing-Microsoft®-Server®-2012-ebook/dp/B007PJ6DSW) 2) Security and Privacy for Microsoft® Office 2010 Users (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Security-Privacy-Microsoft®-Office-ebook/dp/B007JWGDMQ) 3) HTML5 for Publishers (http://www.amazon.co.uk/HTML5-for-Publishers-ebook/dp/B005XE2CAO) 4) JavaScript Bibliography (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introducing-Microsoft®-Server®-2012-ebook/dp/B007PJ6DSW) 5) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Microsoft Windows Guide (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Elastic-Compute-Microsoft-Windows-ebook/dp/B007Q4LJZS) 6) Android Development Bibliography (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Android-Development-Bibliography-ebook/dp/B005GMR9S8) 7) Planning for Big Data (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Planning-for-Big-Data-ebook/dp/B007JWG7P4) 8) iOS Development Bibliography (http://www.amazon.co.uk/iOS-Development-Bibliography-ebook/dp/B005GMR9LK) 9) Mobile Marketing Playbook (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mobile-Marketing-Playbook-ebook/dp/B0042RUZPW)
  7. Well my contacts/friends who were NOT going to go shop at midnight or earlier got to the stores around 6am or so and everything I wanted was gone and the stores were pretty much cleaned out. Looks like I am going to have get lucky for the lucky bags this year if I want a good deal on what I wanted It looks like the midnight openings will be back next year though it could backfire as maybe those who had a bad time won't be back next year.??? *or not * http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-26/black-friday-may-have-gained-from-early-starts-younger-shoppers.html
  8. Yes we should as Walmart seems to have ZERO policies or rules in place. It is like they get pleasure out of seeing the free for all and chaos. Putting palettes on the floor and letting people swarm around them is unsafe! Why no ticket system? Why let the 24 hours ones stay open all night? Shut them down for a few hours and put out the items. Last year they had no ropes or barricades to direct the flow of traffic
  9. Who the hell brings pepper spray to BF! http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501363_162-57331142/woman-pepper-sprays-other-black-friday-shoppers/
  10. That be a lot of people...
  11. JohnnyLaRue

    Thank You

    Same here as Jay from FL made a few kids X-mas a little nicer with the toy ideas. That and the webcasts were a blast! Although I was unable to get a lot of what I wanted for myself (ok nothing for myself) I got the gifts online for the kids/tsunami victims
  12. *nods head* Yea when I travel in rural areas here I get the touching and pics taken. I get a lot of stares as well. I am used to it by now.
  13. The 1st Lucky Bag deal was leaked on the weekend. I noticed Bic Camera had an ad in store about the doorbuster (my word not theirs). From what I could read you had a chance at some pricey vacation, some laptop (I think?), some odd winter face warming thing, a 5000 yen ($50) gift card and something else I can not recall. I am sure I am leaving a lot out as my kanji skills are awful My guess is the bag will go for well over $50/5000 yen.
  14. wait, so who is acting mayor of tent city? get well soon. The streak cant end!
  15. When I had fractured my arm the people at Circuit City (now long dead/the store not the people) were helpful enough to carry my stuff to my car.
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