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General MarioXx

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  1. went to walmart and got the emerson tv that was on sale. was completely insane where i was at, and it turned out the tv wouldnt work for what i wanted so i ended up returning it anyway. then went to circuit city and picked up the world of warcraft game for 15 dollars for a friend, and some dvds that were on sale. last, i hit up target and grabbed a couple more dvds for cheap.
  2. my walmart was insane this morning. i was around the pallet for the 32 inch emerson tv. luckily i got one, but there were a total of 42 of them. they were gone in less than half a minute along with the blu ray players and 42 inch rca tvs.
  3. can you order an item from the bf ad online today and pick it up in store on black friday?
  4. find a local gasstation or store and use the restrooms there. noone seems to mind u leaving for only a few minutes
  5. ok you will not get the acer $99 monitor getting there around 5ish in the morning. my guess is that will be gone within the first 100 people in line and that will probabaly happen sometime thursday
  6. i will be in line at BB tomorrow at about 7pm, and i thought that was insane early. i wonder what would make people want to wait 4 days.
  7. were the secret doorbusters revealed from best buy with their new posting on their site, or are we still waiting on the secret doorbusters?
  8. i will be out at about 7 pm weds night to be first in line. i would say anywhere from 6-9 am thurs morning would put you in posisiton to get the doorbusters u want
  9. anyone hear anything about a tv. im really hoping they throw a tv into it.
  10. will be at best but from weds night. then walmart for a few deals afterwards
  11. how can u make sure u are the first one for the tv. i am willing to wait eh say a total 48 hrs ish. but with it open 24/7 how can u possibly know who was at the place first?
  12. ok,i have been competing in paintball tournaments for the past 3 years and i have played paintball for 7 years at this point. since i was 11 haha. anyway, if your looking for good prices on ANYTHING paintball rerlated i recommend these 2 sites. neither has ever let me down www.actionvillage.com www.pbwarehouse.net
  13. ya sticking with name brand tvs is the way to go. not only is their a distinct difference in life span between them and non name brand tvs, but the picture seems much different to me also.
  14. ya but man is it a rush. i cant say i prefer it, but it is fun.
  15. gotta agree with bill =)
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