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  1. Yes they had the water gun packs! I posted a photo and they are in them! They were still .09 cents!
  2. Summer 90% I hope this helps you guys find the hidden items! http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/summer90_zps179a0a8c.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/summer901_zps16206afc.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/summer902_zps9be3be34.jpg
  3. I'm trying to figure out the same thing, last year my store went Thursday the 12th. I will be there this week to see. My store has done the following (looking back on receipts): 2009 - Jan 15th (Thursday) 2010 - Jan 15th (Friday) 2011 - Jan 13th (Thursday) 2012 - Jan 12th (Thursday)
  4. Here are a few more photos of some items I found at 90% all in their regular sections!!!!! These frames were only $3.99 originally $39.99 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7539_zpsf9f3a63b.jpg Toothbrushes were 49 cents!!! (look for the ones with a sticker of a barcode over the actual barecode) http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7537_zps4ef1bf72.jpg all these toys were .19 cents to .49 cents!!! http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7536_zps7975dbdf.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7533_zps7089eaf2.jpg
  5. 90% off - here is a photo of SOME of the things I purchased maybe it will help the rest of you find things in the stores! http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7535_zps7da65f47.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7534_zps5c44e3c0.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7533_zps7089eaf2.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_7532_zps964eefc2.jpg
  6. 90% off halloween here.. candy still at 50%
  7. I printed mine offline and held on to it for this sale.
  8. Here are some of my finds last week! (I used the $5 off any two polly pockets, so got one free. and the $5 off leapfrog items.. got the book free and the map for 0.98!!!) and my BEST FIND was the lego lighthouse for $14.98!!! Couldn't believe it! Thank you everyone! http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/072612124857_01.jpg
  9. no movement in toys today! I'll be back there tomorrow for opening *fingers crossed for tomorrow*
  10. ###091-070-138 Camping Chairs Org. $8.99 Paid 0.89 The two I found were youth camping chairs. Blue bag, orange and white tag on the front of the bag. Black strings on top of bag.
  11. found a few orange dollar spots mixed in for 90% off. Over in the camping section check the camping chairs.. i found two children's camping chairs that were 8.99 for .89! and insulated bag coolers mixed in with regular 16.99 for 1.69, also hula hoops in the regular section org 2.99 got them for .29
  12. My store marks toys Thursday (once in a while it will be Friday) Markdown team was in toys Thursday when i got there, marking away! was glad to score some items at 70! Can't wait for more!!
  13. my store had more toys go to 70%...(so it was mixed 30%, 50%, and 70%) i picked up a few things at 70%, some matchbox sets, wii mario remote control set, air hogs set, but they also marked the joker trio sets to 70%, some board games, and other things that I didn't pay much attention to as it was nothing i was interested in. I was surprised to see that much 70%
  14. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/KatieLynn011/target/IMG_4967.jpg
  15. Thank you soooo much! I went back this morning and got the mario single figure knex sets. My sons birthday theme is mario, these are PERFECT for the party favors especially at 90%! THANK YOU AGAIN!!! I also found some of the small character balls (spiderman, dora, cars), and some other hidden treasures in the toy department! like the matchbox spongebob cars, yo yo ball, and the princess small figures, chapsticks, etc!
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