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  1. 70/90 finally. Was worried everything would be gone since it was 50/70% all weekend, but still managed to fill up my truck. Great day of shopping at Target. Haven't been able to say that lately.
  2. 70% off summer. Paper products ringing regular price. Only paper products that I could find on sale were the dollar spot items. Bummer.
  3. Anyone see movement on summer items?
  4. Lots of bedding marked down to 70% plus there is a Cartwheel for additional 20% off bedding and it worked on all my clearance!! Worth a look if you have time. Patio is on markdown. 30%/50% and a few 70% off items too. Nothing I wanted, but lots of red stickers everywhere. Toys have started. Got Modern Warfare 3 for PS3 marked down to 3.74 from 29.99. Almost 90% off. Most toys at 30%/50% with a few 70%.
  5. Vday was 50/70 today. Found linens for 70% off. Sheet sets, comforters sets, etc. Bathroom rugs 50%. Lots of miscellaneous electronics on clearance. 30%-50%. Some toys 70%. Talking Yoda originally over $140 now around $50. Also saw Monster Jams trucks with a skeleton looking think sticking out the top for 70%. Charman toilet paper (located in the stock up section) must have been marked down. Saw a woman leaving an empty pallet with a cart overflowing with Charman toilet paper. Saw the red stickers but have no idea how much they were marked down. All winter stuff (ice melting chemicals, snow shovels, windshield scrapers/brushes) all 70% off. Mild winter here but still picked up a snow shovel for $3 and change. 16 years here in North DFW and this is my first winter without snow. Figure a pretty safe investment.
  6. Maybe 90% on Friday or Saturday for some lucky ducks. In my area, the drops are taking much longer. We will probably be at 70% on friday
  7. Anyone venture a peek at Valentine's Day clearance?
  8. 90% off in North DFW. Elf sets were only 70% and food was also 70%.
  9. Finally 50/70. Found ziploc containers, napkins, glade air freshness, febreeze plug ins, nutcrackers, baking tins and other goodies. Dollar spot diamond shape also 70% off.
  10. Food now 50% for Christmas clearance. Everything else has remained at 50%. So everything is at 50%, at least in north dfw.
  11. Walmart 75% off Christmas clearance.
  12. Christmas clearance still holding at 30/50 in North DFW. On a side note, Walmart moved to 75% off Christmas clearance today and that was on EVERYTHING! Picked up candy, cereal, tins of nuts, ziplock bags, glade plug ins, paper plates and some decorative items too. Bad day at Target, but stellar day at Walmart.
  13. Looks like the toy markdown has begun. Clearance signs scattered on every isle. Everything I saw was 30% off.
  14. Food/candy now 50% here (not sure when that happened) and there is a lot left. Costumes and decor still 70%. Dollar spot still 70%.
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