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  1. Where is this deal at? Is it online or in store?
  2. Thanks sooooo much!!! All I wanted for Xmas was my XM subscription renewed. Well that did not happen. I been asking for it faithfully every week for the last 3 1/2 months. So when I saw this, I printed it off and put it in my hubby face and told him if he didn't do now, he would regret it!!!!! LOL. I finally got my XM radio back!!!! I ljust luv my XM radio!!!
  3. I will most definitely check out the cinnamon rolls. I LOVE cinnamon rolls they are one of my favorite food groups!!! LOL
  4. Thanks all. Been to Anna's and found nothing I liked. I have never been to Ikea but there is one about an 1 1/2 hour drive away. I will try to get there this weekend.
  5. Anyone know where i can find a deal on some modern/contemporary looking curtains. I need a lot but i don't want to pay $50 per panel for the curtains. Thanks.
  6. TY. I gotta get his movie for my 3 year old. ALso, the bonus on the frog tape is wonderful i been doing some painting on my textured walls and just bought frog tape. Thanks much.
  7. I just purchased a video game last weekend as a birthday gift and asked about the policy. I was told it is 45 days. I asked was it becaused of the holidays and the guy said no it's 45 day price match (for their own ad) year round. So I guess the time frame varies from market to market.
  8. I've done this too before. I called the number on the email and cancelled w/ no problem.
  9. I am going to check Macy's online. They have 25% off and free shipping going on this weekend.
  10. Anyone know of any deals on North Face brand coats for teen/young adult boys?
  11. I just love my GD family!
  12. I too am looking for major appliances for my home which I close on 8 Dec. I have to buy a refridgerator and would like to replace existing dishwasher, built in stove and built in microwave. I am going to send my DH to Best Buy on BF to try and get a refridgerator that will be discounted by $1000! I am going to stop by Best Buy tomorrow to see if I can find a matching dishwasher, stove and microwave. If successfuly I will have him purchase those as well on BF. Hopefully it won't be to painful for my hubby on BF!
  13. Thanks, I was going to go to Walmart but I prefer HEB!
  14. Great ideas, thanks for sharing. I too have the problem w/ my 3 year old pulling the stockings down - which were hung by the big weighty hooks. Thank God she was not hurt by the weight.
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