I do the RETURN/REBUY EVERY year!!!! The only store that prevents this is Walmart. They keep the BF stuff on skids wrapped with THICK plastic wrap in the isles until the sale starts. There's no way to get the product early.
Officemax & Staples work 100% of the time with pricematchs.
Best Buy tried to give me a hard time last year but after I explained that I would deny the charge on my credit card (100% of it) and still keep the item, they decided to see it my way and let me return/rebuy. :-)
Return/Rebuy is the ONLY way to get all the items you want.
Another suggestion is to hide the items in other "non-busy" places in the store (like in the garbage pails that stores sell). No one looks in them, and your "stuff" is there waiting for you! One hint - stash the stuff a couple days in advance!