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About consha

  • Birthday 10/26/1975
  1. Good deal.. Where can I find the 10% Q?
  2. Okay thanks for the info. I personally will never buy a ps3 that will not play my sons 100+ ps2 games. I think that is so wrong of Sony.
  3. Do you know when they stopped making them? They got theirs sometime ago, it's not new. I thought I read someone where that there was an update or something you could download to fix this?
  4. My son is a gamer and his choice is xbox 360. He connects online to play with school friends and family across the USA. They can actually play the games together like they were in the same room and talk to each other over headsets. I think that is a cool thing for xbox 360, but you must have the internet to play xbox 360 live. Can anyone explain how can you get a ps3 to play ps2 games, please? My brother has ps3 and I think they have the highest GB yet they still can't play ps3 games.
  5. In case anyone is not interested in the mouse, you can actually get this deal with any order. Look under postpaid items to get no shipping charges added. I placed an order for a 24 assortment for just a few extra bucks. Awesome deal! TY OP!
  6. I bought a Garmin on black friday 2009. Well of course almost a year to the date I started getting warnings and reminders on the screen to update my maps. I didn't even realize you have to pay to update maps to use the $100+ equipment! I was checking on the Garmin site and I see you can do a one time update for $69 or for $100+ you can get a years worth of updates?? Ughh.. I can't even afford to do this right now and I've been noticing "glitches" with my GPS, like now i'm driving on roads that are not there? My road home in particular, my GPS doesn't recognize it suddenly?? lol I figure this is Garmin's way of getting me to pay for the upgrade. Anyone have the same experiences? Any advice? For the price of the upgrade I can almost buy a whole new system!
  7. I have a question about B&BW return policy. I've heard that if any time you are unhappy with a product you can return it no questions asked. Has anyone tried this? Without a reciept and a slightly used product.. will they let you swap out for another scent?
  8. 1624 works for me! Free trial size with purchase.
  9. Antec USB-Powered Notebook Cooler 19.95 at amazon.com I don't know what you are wanting to pay, but this is a great notebook fan. It is usb powered, which is the best thing imo, very very quiet and you feel it working right away. Has great reviews which sealed the deal for me. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000BVYTV/ref=asc_df_B0000BVYTV994674?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=googlecom09c9-20&linkCode=asn&creative=380341&creativeASIN=B0000BVYTV
  10. No, but you do have to proceed to checkout with the book.
  11. Sorry, fixed link. http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Everymans-Library-Austen/dp/0679405429/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262126345&sr=1-1
  12. I don't know when this offer will expire, but you could make another account using a different email address. I had one last year for Christmas shopping and made a new one this year using hubby's email and cc#. HTH
  13. **I borrowed this from another site, it works! Even for previous trial members. Free 3-Month Amazon Prime Trial You don't have to buy the book to get the trial This works for previous trial members 1. Click the link and add Pride and Prejudice to your cart http://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Everymans-Library-Austen/dp/0679405429/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262126345&sr=1-1 2. Click the Add to Cart with FREE Two-Day shipping button on the right side of the page 3. Click Proceed to checkout button 4. Log in with your account 5. Review the trial offer details, then click Start my free trial To prevent Amazon Prime from renewing after 3 months, do this: * On Amazon.com click Your Account [Amazon.com] and Log in * Click Manage Prime Membership link * Click Do not Upgrade button then click Turn off auto-upgrade button on the popup window.
  14. I would love to get in a group if anyone is looking! I had prime and it expired on dec. 14 I've passed on so many good deals because of the shipping.
  15. Any free shipping codes?? LOL
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